Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style


where ya from blud lol

and do love some adele dont ya like this 1 tho m8

sorry bro


skip to 02:30

he did represent at the brits the performance was amazing :)


where the hell is paulo nutuni these days??? he was 16 or 17 when he recorded this tune lol



all up and coming UK artists watch out USA ;)

02:13 - summer haze lol

the first vid was so kick ass! i felt like i was at the concert. wow what a show that must have been.

the third vid. man, ok ya i cried a little. love love love her voice!
ADele's voice is amazing, but i cant stand her lyrics!!!!!!! my eyes are red enough smoking dope! she really know how to make you want to ball your fucking brains out. lmao
I actually have never heard of her before... is she like one of those idol winners or something..from the tellie? does anyone around here like punk rock or heavy fuckin metal.?lmao.. its all good. Thanks for turning me on to some new sounds.
Oh, Fingerez, that plan B you played.. the first video was fucking HYSTERICAL..with the jury snapping their fingers.. hahahahahaha.. you really like those love songs dont ya m8?
haha, thats cool.;-).

That more like it AMBS?? Staying with thr Brit theme and all

or how about some SLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!maybe too evil for an MJ site.. ahhahahahahah
SEX PISTOLS, DEAD KENNEDYS...hahaha oR.....Exploited , was going to play Maggie your a cunt the other day.. hahhaha, can someone please play that for me.. haha
i like metallica with ClIFF BURTON mostly to be honest. Thanks riddleme!
FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks LUMI!!!!!!!!!
you MaDE MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry Doc......Couldn't help myself. you were speaking my language with the old school punk. That's what I listened to EXCLUSIVELY when I was an angry teenager on acid! HA. This last one's for Las, D and the rest of me mates across the pond.......HAHAHAHAAH.........
ahahahahah, yeah thats me... still... as old as i am... im still an angry teenager on acid at heart! i love the wild raw rebellious energy that punk and metal pound into my soul.
I like all of your choices bushmeister... i actually played that last one for our buddy Las a while ago... but it was a bit too much for the kid! He's a real softy, that fingerez. Hes loves those sweet sappy lovesongs..lmao.. damn shouldnt have said that now im going to get my ass kicked..lol
anyway I am a big fan on Exploited and Iggy is super cool . I was fortunate enought to see him in concert up here a couple years ago. He was amazing. Im a big Misfits fan too, i have that misfits ghost tattoo in glow in the dark pink! haha
oh by the way.. did you get those cute Kate Middleton boxers? lol later ambo