How to Sell and Not Get Caught

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Get over yourself people you are in no special club because you have a "card", I've got one didn't need it to smoke pot before so what? The federal government does not give a shit. Sell weed, grow weed, smoke weed either way you're participating in the market that has exsisted before you were born.
be real then a speak on it

On an entirely different topic, I use examples like the quoted statement from a native English speaker to express the importance of why my students should study.

Thank you cali.grown for the ample amount of material you have given me for my class. I wait in anticipation for more of your examples.
Dude..WTF??!! Then what are all the dispensaries doing, just giving freely the herb away for shits and giggles :lol::lol

oh my god you ppl are gone mad with your medical bs !!! 4 real, herb belongs to us all, and if one decides to sell, then sell it, it is your life :peace:

and you actuly think disp. are legal. not here..
WOW is this really still goin on i just read through all this and it's crazy i posted my feeling's ten pages ago happened to see it was still goin and it's mainly the same people that posted when i did.

speak your peace and move on don't push your beliefs on others...

peace tristynhawk..
ownage..i own u kulong..i got u avoided the subjects that U bring up LOL get up outta here BOY

I see you changed your previous statement from "be real then a speak on it" to "be real then and speak on it".

Huge improvement on your part. /KooKoo

Thanks for more examples for my class.
"then be real a speak on it" doesn't even make sense..i know how to spell "and" it was a typo cuz i was typing hella fast..your comebacks are garbage and your heart is that of a coward..u bring up subjects then avoid them cuz your a pathetic joke and u know it..and im not the type of person that feels like he needs to prove his intelligence..i feel sorry for those must be lonely
LOL...... LOL......

if some one were debating on delving into some illegal sales- you think they are gonna follow a thread online, shits common sense- you can not teach some one street smarts online bro...

just my two cents

the fact that this thread has blown up into 27 pages shows our cumulative I.Q on R.I.U is dropping at an alarming rate....

this thread blows and gives everyone on here a bad wrap.
yes please prune this garbage..i have made a mental list of the "horray for me and fuck everyone else i have my card" pricks on this site
one transaction, one person, dont drive, dont talk, make sur you know the person and if you really want money go get a job imo you should grow to smoke and nothing else
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