I think the fawning over the bullshit is simply because kids are brainwashed with propaganda royalty love stories since before they can even read on their own. Parents read their children stories of every type having to do with anything from frogs turning into princes to ugly peasant girls turning into queens riding pumpkin carriages. That's why there's popularity for them to this day. I don't get it at all, but then again I'm a guy and that tired kind of fantasy story line never did anything for many of us.
Our news in the US builds them up too, totaly brainwashing for the masses as if we're all supposed to live vicariously through them just like those childrens stories because our own lives suck so bad and we're so powerless it's the only way we can imagine a better life or something. It's sickening, but if you notice online where there is a slightly more educated free thinking younger audience than the average brain dead tv watching troll, royal wedding articles comments from readers are practically 99% negative in the US. Anything from who gives a shit, to get the fuck outta here with this frivelous crap...
It's anything and everything to do with distracting the public from what's really going on too. Don't think about how we're running all your countries into the ground, creating a world of massive debt for you and your children so large you'll be slaves for eternity, spying on you all, taking away all your money with high taxes and interest such that retirement will be a thing of the past and you'll have to work at wallmart as a greeter even past 80, outsourcing your jobs and food so you're dependant on the government charging you all your lives just to eat drink and breathe and live on land even if you already own it, look over here at the pretty wedding...
Lady diana seemed to have had a heart, though I don't agree she changed shit for a single poor country in reality, but the rest of them seem like absolute vampires. Vlad the Impaler at least didn't hide his true colors or intentions. They should be outsourced right out of the country and off the world stage for the situation they've left you in. Look around in the UK next time you're out for a walk and try to find one place there isn't a camera spying on your every move, and then thank them for creating the false flag terror events and bad attitude of so many common people that created the need for those cameras.
And that shit is happening over here in the US now, more and more spying and cameras and TSA and metal deterctors and so forth and so on. That kind of society doesn't lend itself to a happy life for anyone except those at the top. I wish our fucktard public in the US would wise the fuck up and vote all this shit down before we have more camera's per capita spying on us and giving us automatic traffic tickets than you guys do.
As far as tourism goes, you'd make more money letting the public tour the empty palaces inside and out and having lifesized nutcracker dolls instead of payed palace guards with fuzzy bear hats.
We in the US have totally lost our sense of history though, or this kind of fawning over the royals on TV would simply not be put up with.