Starting Dyna-Gro


Well-Known Member
Im starting nutes tomorrow (Dyna-Gro 7-9-5) How much should i give them and after mixing if i have water left over should i keep it for next time or toss it?



Active Member
I'd start really light like 1/4 to 1/3 strength at first and see how they react. I would think you can keep the remaining nutrient mix just keep it out of direct light and possibly airtight. Also, you'd want to use the remains first the next time without adding additional nutes for the next batch (don't mix old batches with new batches).


Well-Known Member
I use that same fert, and wouldn't feed them yet, if I were you. If you must, go weak(as mentioned), 1/4 strength, or less.

Toss any extra.


Well-Known Member
I use that same fert, and wouldn't feed them yet, if I were you. If you must, go weak(as mentioned), 1/4 strength, or less.

Toss any extra.

Should i wait? i mean they seem to be growing fine without it? Im only vegging till 12" and they are like 4.5'' now. I want to LST when is the best time to do that i was also gonna start that tomorrow..


Well-Known Member
Should i wait? i mean they seem to be growing fine without it? Im only vegging till 12" and they are like 4.5'' now. I want to LST when is the best time to do that i was also gonna start that tomorrow..
Yeah, hold off on the DG, they are looking fine for the moment. Go ahead with the LST and give it a shot if you want. Just be easy with them.

"I" usually top and then LST the new growth, but there are no rules here. As you go along, you will see what works best for you as really, none are identical.

Perhaps you could top 2 and LST the new growth and just LST the other 2 from the git. See what you like/prefer.



Well-Known Member
Just tested my soil....(from what i can see)

Ph= 6.5-7.0




this is with no added nutes



Well-Known Member
^Looks like they're ready for some nitrogen, to me. They are getting a tad light in color, so I'd hit 'em with a light dose(1/8 strength, then go 1/4 next time, if it didn't seem to be enough), and keep an eye on em. Otherwise, looking pretty good.


Well-Known Member
A "boost" is only a boost, if they're lacking, and if not, it slows them down. Personally, I'd wait another week, then start a weak veg fert, or transplant. Transplanting to a bigger pot, is the best option, atm. But, if you really want to, you could give them a light dose of fert, and see how they react. Keep an eye on the leaf tips, and if they start turning brown, you are borderline overfert, and time to back off a little.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's very possible,(esp if you transplant) depending on how long you veg them. I veg mine to 14-18"(5-6 weeks) and many times,(in 4-5 gallon pots, not actual 5-gallon buckets, which are quite a bit larger) I don't use any veg fert. I use Calmag Plus,(starting around week 3) which has a light dose of nitrogen in it, and that's plenty. Pretty much, the only time I use my veg fert, is during the first week or so, of 12/12. I always give mine one dose, to help keep 'em green through the stretching phase, which works pretty well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the great info! I think ill hold off and transplant in a week or two for the last time then do the week of veg fert after switching to 12/12..unless anything pops up it sounds good to me..


Well-Known Member
What "I" do when using DG or Jack's, is nute the day after a watering. Nutes on dry roots can be a bad thing. I found out the hard way, years ago.

Just an observation.



Well-Known Member
No problem bro, I hope everything turns out okay for ya. Here's one more tip, that might help....

...if you want to feed them, but are worried about overfeeding, start foliar feeding them. It works great, and if your plants are lacking something, they'll absorb only what they are lacking, and nothing else, filling any unseen deficiencies, or deficiencies that haven't shown yet. Then, even if your soil is lacking something, it won't be a problem. It's a good safety-net to use, especially if you are uncertain of feeding times.

I use my Dynagro Grow, mixed at 1/2 strength, PH'ed to about 6.5, for foliar feeding. Do that once a week, or so, and it'll be smooth sailing(for veg, anyway. Flowering can be a different Just remember to alternate a fresh water bath,(spray them with water only) between every 1-2 foliar feeds, to keep everything rinsed and clean.


Well-Known Member
What "I" do when using DG or Jack's, is nute the day after a watering. Nutes on dry roots can be a bad thing. I found out the hard way, years ago.

Just an observation.


Um, then your watering 2 days in a row, which isn't a good thing.
you want to leach your soil right before nutes. dont water 2 days in a row especially if your using soil. you want to put in enough water to make it come out the bottom and let that sit untill it drains then fertilize


Well-Known Member
Um, then your watering 2 days in a row, which isn't a good thing.
It's no big deal IF you allow the plant to dry out after. If you do a schedule thing (I don't), it might cause problems. Something like:
water, nute following day >>>dry>>water>>dry>>water, nute following day. Anywhere from 3-5 days between water, depending. From nute to nute takes about 2 weeks.

What do you do if outside and it rains 2 days in a row?



Well-Known Member
It's no big deal IF you allow the plant to dry out after. If you do a schedule thing (I don't), it might cause problems. Something like:
water, nute following day >>>dry>>water>>dry>>water, nute following day. Anywhere from 3-5 days between water, depending. From nute to nute takes about 2 weeks.

What do you do if outside and it rains 2 days in a row?


I'm not saying it'll hurt them, it just seems like an unnecessary step. You're the first person I've ever heard mention having problems feeding their plants, when the soil is dry. Sounds to me, that you had a problem at one point, and assumed that was the problem. I assure you, it was not. :)