Whats wrong with my plants?


Hello. So there is My AK-47 and lowrider-2. As you can see in the photos leaves are yellow. While leaves that comes from bud looks just fine. Plants are 42 days old. I growed it on 2 40 w CFL's 24h light. I didn't overwatered it i think.
Will this plant produce smokable bud? How long aprox. till I can harvest?

First two pics AK-47 rest is lowrider2
C360_2011-04-26 02-07-19.jpgC360_2011-04-26 02-06-55.jpgC360_2011-04-26 02-09-15.jpgC360_2011-04-26 02-12-12.jpg


Active Member
it looks like malnutrition and that is definitely not enough light for even 1 plant, what kind of feeding schedule are they on?

edit: whats with the rocks?


Active Member
it looks like malnutrition and that is definitely not enough light for even 1 plant, what kind of feeding schedule are they on?

edit: whats with the rocks?
Everything agent said & just to throw this out there....Autos tend to perform best under a 20/4 or 18/6 light schedule. I'm interested in why you have rocks in there too....


RIU Bulldog
I think there's definitely at least a Mg deficiency. And the leaves are mostly turning yellow because of the amount of light they're receiving. It's not enough hit all the leaves. Fluorescents lose canopy penetration after literally inches, so it's doubtful it can reach those bottom leaves. You could add side bulbs or get a stronger main bulb.


Well i put rocks so it wont let soil to dry out fast. I know my light setup is bad but its my first try out grow.
Is these problems fatal for my plant? And what about harvesting? How long aprox till flowering is finished?