Moderatrix of Journals
well, shit then, i've done the *craaaap* out of both w/o even knowing it. (i used to do sog, we used trellis netting for a while to cut back on the labour, so i've inadvertently done scrog too, i guess.) in my days of youthful ambitious arrogance, i've even done sog-in-the-middle with a diy 'cage' hugging the walls (<-holy shit what a royal pain in the nuttz and i don't even have any.... soil and hydro should not be undertaken in the same room....)Kitty. Yes. Your correct. Sog, Is sea of green, utilizing all available light, and Scrog is screen of green, netting or usually a metal screen that goes over the top for the buds to grow through, but I know little of scrog since I don't currently use it. When I do, i'll research it thoroughly.![]()
anyhoo, i hate that shit. you only need to get severly caught up in it enough to fall over *once to get covered in lacerations (don't ask me how, lol......). that shit is like hightest fishing line. ouch. aside from that, though, it IS a time saver.