Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Moderatrix of Journals
Kitty. Yes. Your correct. Sog, Is sea of green, utilizing all available light, and Scrog is screen of green, netting or usually a metal screen that goes over the top for the buds to grow through, but I know little of scrog since I don't currently use it. When I do, i'll research it thoroughly. ;-)
well, shit then, i've done the *craaaap* out of both w/o even knowing it. (i used to do sog, we used trellis netting for a while to cut back on the labour, so i've inadvertently done scrog too, i guess.) in my days of youthful ambitious arrogance, i've even done sog-in-the-middle with a diy 'cage' hugging the walls (<-holy shit what a royal pain in the nuttz and i don't even have any.... soil and hydro should not be undertaken in the same room....)

anyhoo, i hate that shit. you only need to get severly caught up in it enough to fall over *once to get covered in lacerations (don't ask me how, lol......). that shit is like hightest fishing line. ouch. aside from that, though, it IS a time saver.


Well-Known Member
Ok how do i do this guys? I haven't been able to firgure it out tried when i first started posting pics but lost interst any one tell this lazy stoner how to do such magical things hahahah:-)
Theres a button in between 2 others. Little pictures . 3rd in from the right. Use it in the "Go Advanced" mode and you can upload pictures. Or link them from another location where they may have been uploaded.


Well-Known Member
well, shit then, i've done the *craaaap* out of both w/o even knowing it. (i used to do sog, we used trellis netting for a while to cut back on the labour, so i've inadvertently done scrog too, i guess.)

anyhoo, i hate that shit. you only need to get severly caught up in it enough to fall over *once to get covered in lacerations (don't ask me how, lol......). that shit is like hightest fishing line. ouch. aside from that, though, it IS a time saver.
Time saver how? Aside from the time spent @ the hospital and/or getting bandaged up ;-)


Moderatrix of Journals
Ok how do i do this guys? I haven't been able to firgure it out tried when i first started posting pics but lost interst any one tell this lazy stoner how to do such magical things hahahah:-)
after your pic finishes uploading and shows up in your 'reply' box, if you move your mouse cursor over it you should see a pencil in the corner (i think this is time sensitive though? like you can only edit pics for a certain amount of time after you post them?).... if you click on the pencil it should give you a box with photo editing options. if you miss the pencil and click on the image it'll go to the crop funtion, just unselect and try again...


Moderatrix of Journals
Time saver how? Aside from the time spent @ the hospital and/or getting bandaged up ;-)
lol, think more like paper cuts from cardboard. not lifethreatening but shouch. (<-kitty-ese for "shit, ouch!") ;)
well, if you put your trellis up before your plant canopy reaches it, all you have to do instead of staking and tying is to poke the branches through the squares and you're set. i also know people that use a bajillion tomato cages; if you can explain to your nursery why you need several hundred tomato cages it's definitely a more longterm solution than trellis. i've also seen rooms with layers of trellis to catch the secondaries and bottoms but *that was a huge pain in the keester come trim time.....


Well-Known Member
Lmao awesome doc what ya up to buddy? Man I'm been baked all day and my mind is starting to wander back to my naked growing idea ;) fab wanted to make a calendar of the riu girls and their grows I originally wanted to do this for the ng.. but I refused to be in the calendar lol


Well-Known Member
Lmao awesome doc what ya up to buddy? Man I'm been baked all day and my mind is starting to wander back to my naked growing idea ;) fab wanted to make a calendar of the riu girls and their grows I originally wanted to do this for the ng.. but I refused to be in the calendar lol
I'm all for it! Let's make this happen! Ya know, I AM a professional photographer. ;-)


Moderatrix of Journals

i was thinking more along these lines but i can get out the stage makeup and wrinkly strap-on if the pasty white geriatric male is more to your preference..... :hug:


Well-Known Member
Hehe I'm aware doc :D seriously though soon as I can get someone to start drawing up some my ideas I think I will give it a think it and it can come true I was telling my aunt this not long ago she said yeah like all my problem will just be solved no more debt no worries we talked about it for weeks told her just stay positive and she just got an estate worth 750,000 and a restaurant in Alaska! I think I can make my idea work :) did I say I'm full of rambles today!


Moderatrix of Journals
I'm all for it! Let's make this happen! Ya know, I AM a professional photographer. ;-)
where were you when i was taking my pic for mary's giveaway contest? my webcam apparently made some intricate embroidery/crochetwork look like something "with text slapped on it in ms paint"...:cuss:


Well-Known Member
where were you when i was taking my pic for mary's giveaway contest? my webcam apparently made some intricate embroidery/crochetwork look like something "with text slapped on it in ms paint"...:cuss:
lol! You'll know for next time.;-)

no, no, no, i'm implying that you'd rather do senor palpatine's bidding than grovel at liz taylor's feet..... *GRANDPAw*.
lmfao!!!!!!!!! You're too funny kitty! :lol:

hey play nice cuz i think im older then doc :bigjoint:
You might have a year or 2 on me but that's about it.:bigjoint: