Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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I view the Bible as basic rules to live by that were inspired by God through man. The simple fact that man had his hand in it means it CANNOT be perfect or a 100% accurate representation of the original meaning. It was THEN passed down from generation to generation and ammended time and again to suit each generations needs and biases. THEN each religion got ahold of it and twisted it even more for their own self-serving reasons(money and power come to mind). So when I go to Walmart and get a new Bible, King James, King James Revised, New International Version, etc. I am not receiving the words as they were originally written. HOWEVER, I have read the Bible cover to cover 3 times now(a pretty dry read at times and a very interesting one at others) and can say without a doubt that the overall message is one of peace, love, compassion, and health.
depends entirely on your upbringing...some see no issue

being enslaved does not mean you have to be miserable you know
A true slave owner, while by very existence is witholding anothers freedom, STILL wants a productive servant. I believe that is something like what you were referring to Chubby?
Immature, selfish and self- loathing huh? Because its all a bunch of bullshit? Because I'm supposed to live my life a certain way (in fear of some "god") because a BOOK says so? A novel that somebody wrote and says its "gods" words in order to control and manipulate others into acting a certain way and follow rules of life handed down by the all knowing and powerful? Religion is nothing but a scare tactic and a system of control. If god does exist he is the hateful one not I. Natural disasters, starvation, rape, murder, child molesting. What good "god" allows that to happen? And don't feed me that "he gave us free will to choose our own ways" bullshit either. Gave me free will yet condemns me for choosing wrong? I call bullshit.
indeed....if the master is clever enough, the slave never need realize they are enslaved to begin with...
they will be happy AND productive...all on their very own.
Masters need not be cruel....many aren't.
Parenting is just another form of slavery when you really get down to it...i see plenty of happy productive kids out there

this god fellow mastered that trick long ago...why you think he go so mad about the whole tree of knowledge thing?
besides...until the vast majority understand the only reason we got kicked out of the garden was to keep us away from the tree of life there's not much to argue about...
Immature, selfish and self- loathing huh? Because its all a bunch of bullshit? Because I'm supposed to live my life a certain way (in fear of some "god") because a BOOK says so? A novel that somebody wrote and says its "gods" words in order to control and manipulate others into acting a certain way and follow rules of life handed down by the all knowing and powerful? Religion is nothing but a scare tactic and a system of control. If god does exist he is the hateful one not I. Natural disasters, starvation, rape, murder, child molesting. What good "god" allows that to happen? And don't feed me that "he gave us free will to choose our own ways" bullshit either. Gave me free will yet condemns me for choosing wrong? I call bullshit.

Not immature, selfish, and self-loathing because you don't believe, as was said in the previous post. Those traits are the ones that you display by feeling the need to bash what someone believes instead of living and let live. What does his belief in the Bible matter to you? Why would you viciously attack someone that is TRYING to better there existence on this rock we call Earth? The overall message of the Bible is acceptance and love. Heck, love is one of the most common words used in the Bible. So, when you jump up and spew hate and vulgar insults, I feel sorry for you. Because you are living a VERY unhealthy, uptight, closed-minded, unhappy existence.
indeed....if the master is clever enough, the slave never need realize they are enslaved to begin with...
they will be happy AND productive...all on their very own.
Masters need not be cruel....many aren't.
Parenting is just another form of slavery when you really get down to it...i see plenty of happy productive kids out there

this god fellow mastered that trick long ago...why you think he go so mad about the whole tree of knowledge thing?
besides...until the vast majority understand the only reason we got kicked out of the garden was to keep us away from the tree of life there's not much to argue about...

That last line is going to keep me awake tonight....
LIES! (i will attempt to distract you)
...the most common are 'and', 'the', and 'be'.
followed closely by,
'lord' 7970 times
'god' 4094 times
'man' 3323 times
'king' 2504 times
'sin' 1016 times

'love' appears a scant 314 times, however i am willing to allow variations on that word...
'love's' 1 time
'loved' 98 times
'lovedst' 2 times
'lovely' 4 times
'lover' 4 times
'lovers' 23 times
'loves' 2 times
'lovest' 12 times
'loveth' 65 times
'loving' 3 times
'lovingkindness' 26 times
'lovingkindnesses 4 times

giving us a grand total of 558....

*squints suspiciously*

...i counted....
Too many people view it as the unadulterated, never questioned, set in concrete, word of God. I see that as silly. Totality of the circumstances. That's my view anyways.
aaahhhh....the promise of heaven...

no wants, no needs, no desires, no pain, no discomfort....no choices
we could be stacked up like old magazines in a closet and be perfectly cool with it...forever
all mine for the taking if i give up those things while i live.

sounds very much like slavery to me.
taking away those things from me devalues me...makes me less than human...less than nothing...

i don't like that idea.
not at all.
I prefer to think of it as being able to do just about anything I want. With no worries of sickness, death, repercussions.
I wasn't bashing anybody. I was giving my opinion. If you wanna live your life based on false hopes by all means go ahead. What you do with your life doesn't affect me one bit and I have no reason to bash somebody. Especially some internet user who I have never met nor probably ever will. If I bashed anything it was a book and the ideas it trys to force on us. Live like this or go to hell. I'm not buying it one bit. That's what I said then that's what I'm saying now. Did I ever resort to name calling like a damn 4 year old? No. But you did. If that makes u feel better or if you think ur "god" likes that behavior then keep acting like a little kid about it. Or accept the fact that once u die you're dead and that's that. Look who's bashing someone before you start talking shit about someone you know nothing about.
I didn't intend to direct my description of your reaction(disrespectful to some regardless) to be an indictment. Just a simple observation of the language and it's root causes based on a post that called someone's God a bitch. Go ahead and continue this irrational and immature thought process if you'd like. Really it's not your thoughts that are the problem, rather how you choose to volatilly(?) express them. Acceptance of opposing beliefs not as YOUR truth, but his.
Why did so many miraculous things happen back in the day yet we see no burning bushes or parting seas in modern times

Because those things happened under the "Mosaic Law" and where done away with, because they had served their purpose-mainly to convince his followers to follow him and his father.
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