Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Well-Known Member
Hey maybe yall can give me some ideas for my grow space I am running outta space in the veg closet so will need to move everything plus find a way to cool my flower area down oh and I got tons of space to work with :D


Well-Known Member
i did not get a link or nothing

this is what was said to me in my pm


Just a quick note to let you know I got a PM from ( blaa blaa blaa ) and I guess I'll be seeing you around after Easter dinner.

like i said i don't even know the dude who sent it to me or even why


Well-Known Member
Lol ok well I am sitting here smoking with sis and her bf he starts spilling idiot soup! So sis and I told him just stop lmao he was making fun of french and wasn't making sense at all then smacked his head..haha karma at its finest ;)


Well-Known Member
Lmao I don't need it with this kid around except when he's having a mantrum the shit he does and says *shakes head* awesome entertainment!


Well-Known Member
cant smoke i think i would have to step outside or go home to get something i forgot haha
then i would bongsmilie
sucks man, fire one up when you get home bro. how was your easter?

Rene, glad to here your with the fam..what are you eating?...i forget its only 830 there right now :wink:


Well-Known Member
Lmao he made chicken some kinda pork potato salad pineapple they have 7 kids can't really do big meals its sweet though they make the best food!