New Member
yep probably the whole neighbor hood is in foreclouse
Well that address is definitely in foreclosure!! G' nite all

yep probably the whole neighbor hood is in foreclouse
Well that address is definitely in foreclosure!! G' nite all
what up doc? so sorry that everyone thought that they needed to throw their bull shite all over your thread. but then your a lot like me and will just probably skim over it all, ignore it, forget it and just say what you were going to
i hope you had a grand weekend. we have already eaten wayyyyy too much chocolate already, although i don't think that there is such a thing as too much. lol
love ya! mmmmmmmmmmmuah!!!!!
i get the feeling people blame me for what happened the other night
and i didnt mean for things to go down that way
i was just trying to stick up for a friend when he was being talked about when he wasnt here to defend him self as i would do for any of u
im sorry to all and mostly to the doc
thats all i will say about it it is over not trying to rehash or open wounds
if u would rather me to unsub i understand
Dude your doing it too!...just drop it! and if you don't want to.....than go to my thread , any one in links! You can pull your bs there!
I will not reply to you here ANYMORE... so don't bother!..... reply to me in my thread! Seriously....we will have some fun