Where could I steal an hps light?

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Hey guys... ever stop to think he was stealing a light to hydro feed the poor? How about some 'half-full' around here...
Dwight is the best. Some of the stuff he says.....

I'm surprised my laptop is still alive after all the crap I have spilled in it and on it.
Hes the main reason i watch that show lol

Security in this office park is a joke. Last year I came to work with my spud-gun in a duffel bag. I sat at my desk all day with a rifle that shoots potatoes at 60 pounds per square inch. Can you imagine if I was deranged?
Hes the main reason i watch that show lol

Security in this office park is a joke. Last year I came to work with my spud-gun in a duffel bag. I sat at my desk all day with a rifle that shoots potatoes at 60 pounds per square inch. Can you imagine if I was deranged?

I thought Will Ferrell would have been funnier, he is not at all funny. Ricky Gervais is going to be on the season finale.
I'm hoping he will be a permanent cast member. Only he can replace Carell.
I thought Will Ferrell would have been funnier, he is not at all funny. Ricky Gervais is going to be on the season finale.
I'm hoping he will be a permanent cast member. only he can replace Carell.
Yeah his shit is good! I liek the UK Office to...same retardedness but British
Find some friends and stop getting high .

Oh yes that is outstanding advice on a MARIJUANA FORUM lol. You said your to busy to get a job because you run track?!?! im a full time pre-med student, have a full time job, and do mma/gym and i still got time to work how old are you?? you know you have to be at least 18 to be here right?
Oh yes that is outstanding advice on a MARIJUANA FORUM lol. You said your to busy to get a job because you run track?!?! im a full time pre-med student, have a full time job, and do mma/gym and i still got time to work how old are you?? you know you have to be at least 18 to be here right?
but you dont run track..so obvioulsy its apple and oranges ...track is way harder than MMA and premed combined!
i dont understand what is your ?
if u have ballast what do u need to know
im not dissing just dont understand ?

I have a ballast already... And I'm not stupid enough to unscrew one that is turned on.
I won't be stealing one. Just a question that I need to be answered.
Is there someone out there tht can help a poor guy out?
if that is case why other bulbs diminish thats why u replace after a few grows
and it would suck to steal a buld and risk getting kick out of school and jail
for a bulb might burn out in a day never know

he dont want to fork out the frogskins for a bulb lol..so hes looking at "alternative measures"
If the kid runs track he has a good 50/50 chance of a getaway.

You should steal a helmet cam first so we can see the whole thing go down
If the kid runs track he has a good 50/50 chance of a getaway.

You should steal a helmet cam first so we can see the whole thing go down

I was thinking a different kind of helmet.


Can always add a cam to it I guess...
I have a ballast already... And I'm not stupid enough to unscrew one that is turned on.
I won't be stealing one. Just a question that I need to be answered.
Is there someone out there tht can help a poor guy out?

Get CFLs... If your that broke, is your neighbor paying for your HPS to be on too?

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