Ganjas Back!1000w Perpetual SOG ] Ebb 'n' Flow


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";5621453]puffffffffffff, oh shit, i finished the joint lol :bigjoint:[/QUOTE] ironlung has entered the building...fuck it, im rollin another....


Well-Known Member
How long do u have to wait until ur youngins are ready to top, and when can they be started on nutes??the plants are about 4 weeks old,+or- a few days...they gott stunted at about 2 weeks old and took a week to recover so they are about a week behind, but they look big enough to me to top and start nutes, but as i said before, i do most growing from clone, so not much seed transplanting either tomorow or over the weekend and that is when i was gonna start nutes if possible...thanks peoples...any help appreciatted....ganj



hey... personally i would say they are big enough. I have topped from as small as the 2nd node without a problem. people say from 3rd/4th but i dont know the actual reason why...
Nutes on the other hand, i alway wait till you have a decent root system. i wouldnt wait for anything too major though, perhaps wean them in with 1/4 strength and then up them gradually.

as for the mother post. do you think you will be able to get chance at any point? I attacked one of my mother plants earlier and really opened her up. The middle is now really low as i took it back to the first node again. She looks good but it was a lot of hacking!

PJ out


Well-Known Member
hey... personally i would say they are big enough. I have topped from as small as the 2nd node without a problem. people say from 3rd/4th but i dont know the actual reason why...
Nutes on the other hand, i alway wait till you have a decent root system. i wouldnt wait for anything too major though, perhaps wean them in with 1/4 strength and then up them gradually.

as for the mother post. do you think you will be able to get chance at any point? I attacked one of my mother plants earlier and really opened her up. The middle is now really low as i took it back to the first node again. She looks good but it was a lot of hacking!

PJ out
cool...thanks gonna go ahead and top them all tonight...and start them on a low dose when i u said, im gonna start them out around 1/4 strenght....
ill put the post up about mothers either tomorow morning or night...i meant to do it the other night...lack of time...u know how it is...ill get up asap...later bro....ganja


Well-Known Member
what up all...just wanted to put a couple pics up of the girls...the last tray went in to complete the cycle and i treated the mag def in the sour d tray... in 3 1/2 weeks it will officially be perpetually some pics for the peeps...enjoy...

tray1-put in yesterday-day 1 flower pics...great white shark and a few chocolate kush004.jpg005.jpg

tray2-21days flower...sour diesel007.jpg006.jpg008.jpg009.jpg

tray3-42days flower...sour diesel013.jpg012.jpg014.jpg011.jpg010.jpg015.jpg


Well-Known Member
I only like to top if the plant shows good inner growth, i like to have established inner growth before i do mine. Those look perfect :weed


Active Member
Nice grow ganja! just read through your journal while smoking my morning bowl. That Chocolate Kush is beautiful! definitely sub'd :D


Well-Known Member
Nice grow ganja! just read through your journal while smoking my morning bowl. That Chocolate Kush is beautiful! definitely sub'd :D
thanks bro...appreciatte u checkin it out...its been alot of work, but hopefully everything will run smoothly from here on realizin the key to runnin a perpetual in all still working the kinks out...but im happy so far....the CK is a cutt i got from my homey a while back...i forget the makeup of the strain, but i know it gets u ripped and its a super easy plant to im gonna pack my morning bowl and check urs out...later bro....ganja


New Member
that's phat.

in general vid updates are fat!

... BUT

it is a serious security risk posting on youtube ...everything you upload has a direct connection to your IP addy ...which can be traced.

i'd do them if i was legal ...ya feel me?

play safe & put some socks on.



Well-Known Member
that's phat.

in general vid updates are fat!

... BUT

it is a serious security risk posting on youtube ...everything you upload has a direct connection to your IP addy ...which can be traced.

i'd do them if i was legal ...ya feel me?

play safe & put some socks on.

well i guess i wont be posting them to there...its kinda stupid that u have to do it that way anyway....Is that the sd in the pic??


Active Member
just caught up man, grow is looking great! count me in for the remainder, subbed and stoked! I have been thinking more and more about different growing mediums and techniques, hoping to maybe learn some more ebb&flow from you.


Well-Known Member
just caught up man, grow is looking great! count me in for the remainder, subbed and stoked! I have been thinking more and more about different growing mediums and techniques, hoping to maybe learn some more ebb&flow from you.
welcome welcome LRS...awesome to have u aboard...hope u can learn a thing or 5 while ur most of us, i started in soil also(moms still are)...did a few grows...and like u, continued researching and strategizing on what my best route would be for my area and my needs....and like so many others on here, the Al b. fuct stickys are what swayed me towards the ebb-n-flow...and ebbnflow has got to be one of the easiest hydro systems to run....seems tricky, but once u have it down(which is quick)its basically self sustaining....keep an eye on ph and make sure ur pumps are yeah...thanks for stoppin by....just repd' ya, so ill get ya again when i can....peace...ganja


Well-Known Member
Lol if you're parinoid posting youtube vids, you shouldnt be posting on grow websites either...


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";5633455]Lol if you're parinoid posting youtube vids, you shouldnt be posting on grow websites either...[/QUOTE]

true that...i agree...if they wanna get ya...there going too..point blank...

so heres a quick update on the youngins....went thru and topped all of them last night...before i topped i fed them hygrozyme at 2ml per gallon...very light...and then topped...took pics about 10 mins ago and they look good...a couple of the tops were big enough to be clonable, so i put in rockwool and marked with each corresponding "donorplant"...plan is to root and put right in flower to determin sex and cull correspondin males if neccisary. does that make sense???any here what they look like now...ganja

should i wait a few days for the plants to recover from topping before i transplant or can i do it, say tomorow??



New Member
[QUOTE="SICC";5633455]Lol if you're parinoid posting youtube vids, you shouldnt be posting on grow websites either...[/QUOTE]

at least there's a layer of security and likemindedness on grow forums.

on youtube its possible to be reported , its possible they could change policy and forward your information, and more.

your data, vid, email, and ip are theirs ...and surely whatever privacy policy is in place protects them (youtube) over you (herbalist) any day.

it's not as much about paranoia as it is about people with plant counts like ours in very unfriendly states.



Well-Known Member
just as the title says...took some pics this morning...everything is crackilackin....doing great...took care of the mag def in the diesels....other than that, growin and getttin big....the next tray to go in will be the rom...they are just starting to root...everything is running smooth at the moment...oh actually no they arent....when i transplanted the seedlings, i got gifted with gnats with the new im battling them at the moment...sticky traps for the adults and gognats for the larvae and babies....ill get these bitches...i beat them before and ill do it again:finger:...enjoy the pics...oohh...start the flush on the sour diesels on thursday....ganj

