The Big Joint


Well-Known Member
A Visit to Oregon's World Famous Cannabis Cafe turned into the session of sessions just before the 420 hour. A very nice care giver named Jeff was nice enough to roll up this really nice large joint. It contained only prime bud including some really nice Williams Wonder and Bullrider that another visitor pitched in along with Jillybean, Jack the Ripper, Plush Berry and Jacks Cleaner.
Under pressure he kicked out a perfect bat for the 20 or so people that were visiting to kick off there Friday right!
Thanks to my friends at the Cannabis Cafe who always treat me like royalty and with open arms and packed bowls and bags!
Some lucky duck's in that video. Great rolling skills by jeff :) Ive been in similar shoes and found what a epic failure is all about lol. Glad to see you had a lovely 420!

Thanks for sharing brotha!
Dudes work smoked really well and its hard enough to roll a nice joint but with 20 people watching and me zooming in with the Video cam I am sure he felt the pressure.

What no crutch? That guy sucks at rolling j's...

Cool vid sub, I envy your life.
You know it's a big joint when you have to use a sushi roller to make it:bigjoint:
I have seen much bigger joints just not rolled so perfectly and deff not with as much top shelf bud. Usually party joints contain just about everything the one at the INTCHE that was on youtube was massive but it tasted like fan leaves to be honest or maybe socks :)

This was just bud donated by a few people and nothing is for sale at the Cannabis Cafe it runs strictly on donations alone. Its really heart warming to see how many growers just drop by and donate jars of buds treys of cookies or some headie buds for a nice party joint.

As long as your a card holder and a NORML member you can pay 10$ and hang out there all day meeting people and safely medicating. The host classes and even a farmers market in the evenings where growers can donate there flowers and needy patients can make a maximum donation of 150$ and get some nice local flowers. The meds are all checked for mold mildew and quality before being allowed at the market.

For now I suffer in the east. Moving back to newport, oregon in fall :) Just hope I can gain med certification without having to wait 6 months to get state residency.

*Faded off qrazy train again :eyesmoke:

:lol:Hey Sub, always great posts. and a NICE VIDEO. im new around here just stoppin by! love your work man.always a great reference point.kiss-asslmao.<<<LOVE THESE ICONS.>>>> YOUR AN ICON IN THE GROW COMMUNITY. Thanks Sub:eyesmoke:
hey sub, i should know this, if i have a cali recommendation could I go to that cafe or do you have to have a oregon rec.? when i finish my 55 chevy truck Id love to pack up the dog and the girlfriend and take a roadtrip.

never been to the pacific NW!
Hey subcool. Thats not far from me. But they would not honor my Washington medical recommendation I would bet. still it would be cool to hit that zeppelin with all of you. Nice video.

A Visit to Oregon's World Famous Cannabis Cafe turned into the session of sessions just before the 420 hour. A very nice care giver named Jeff was nice enough to roll up this really nice large joint. It contained only prime bud including some really nice Williams Wonder and Bullrider that another visitor pitched in along with Jillybean, Jack the Ripper, Plush Berry and Jacks Cleaner.
Under pressure he kicked out a perfect bat for the 20 or so people that were visiting to kick off there Friday right!
Thanks to my friends at the Cannabis Cafe who always treat me like royalty and with open arms and packed bowls and bags!

hahaha he used one of those Sushi rollers lol that's hilarious, good shit.
Hey Sub,
First off you're my hero. I enjoy the depth to which you explain things to anyone who asks. This simple fact sets you apart from any other expert grower ive ever come across. Im currently in the military and cant smoke my favorite plant but still hang on ur every word while i slowly build my growing knowledge in the only way i can right now. I hope to move out west in a couple years when i am out of the military and continue my favorite hobby, making my own medicine! Ive converted my best buddy over to the TGA fan club and he is curing his first round of vortex with jillybean, cheese quake and JC-BX on the way. My compliments to the chef. Supreme scent and appearance. Im making him save me some! Im holdin onto some spacebomb, spacequeen, the flav, and deep purple beans for myself to use in a year or two. I spent many hours narrowing down my desired order(the wife couldnt understand me wanting to save over 60 seeds) lol...women. Finally, i want to one day shake your hand. Hopefully at that time we can share some of our beloved plant in freedom.

P.S. the best christmas present ive ever gotten was an autographed copy of your book Dank. Thank you very much. My wife Sativa (yes that is her real name :lol: shes a one of a kind woman) had some problems ordering it for me last year and your team was amazingly helpful. They sent her a free signed copy of the book, a hat, tshirt, sweatshirt and some cannamagazines. Once i found out i refused to wait for christmas to open the book. Your personal message is an inspiration to my future gardening endeavors. One day i will impress you with my own take on ur magical genetics. Peace always. -asublimeutopia-

also, the big joint video is no longer on your youtube page (i forgot that was my original reason to put a post still a stoner at heart) there anywhere to find it?
I no longer condone using Wax I am working on a video to explain why

simply its bad for you in a serious way.

The Big Joint video featured people smoking the joint there legal team asked me to take it down.

I no longer condone using Wax I am working on a video to explain why

simply its bad for you in a serious way.

The Big Joint video featured people smoking the joint there legal team asked me to take it down.


thanks sub i knew there was a good reason behind it just wanted your take, Thanks for the clarification my friend!

Much Respect