Well-Known Member
Ginjawarrior -
I totally agree. He can't communicate, then turns to childish name-calling. lol lol
im pretty sure i wasnt talking about him....
Ginjawarrior -
I totally agree. He can't communicate, then turns to childish name-calling. lol lol
^^^ Don't lie, its in quotes. lol lol
^^^Better than being taught billions and billions of years is what caused life - without a fossil record. What a silly ass concept.!
^^^Better than being taught billions and billions of years is what caused life - without a fossil record. What a silly ass concept.!
^^^ I have a fossil record, physical evidence and countless other pieces of tangible evidence. What do you have? You got nothing - nothing, but silly words like billions and billions of years. Give me a break!
^^^ Higher education teach our children that humankind is 50,000 years old or more. When in fact, the fossil record only support five or six thousand years of human existence. There is no fossil record of human existence stretching billions and billions of years.
If you read the entire thread, you'll notice one dude mention the earliest recorded human existence.
P.S. I don't know how old the earth is, scripture does not say.
I love "show and tell".......let's see your fossil record, physical evidence and countless other pieces of evidence?
scripture doesn't tell you how to take a shit either...but you figured it out..i hope at least.there are more things to read and learn from then just the bible. branch out on your reading might just LEARN something as opposed to blindly following what your told is factsI don't know how old the earth is, scripture does not say.
The Earth is approximately 3.6 billion years old....the moon is actually according to NASA 4.5 billion years old.
You got to be kidding me, that's all you have to say. Thant's the weakest rebuttal I've ever heard. If you’re going to keep up with me, you have to do better than that.![]()
Dude . . . this isn't about the above^ this is about how old mankind is. Do you understand?![]()
That was me, and by the way it was to tell you that you were wrong. You were claiming that civilization was merely 2 thousand years. Stop trying to avoid that. Oh, and btw thats RECORDED human history. stop trying to confuse people and make them think thats the same as 'human history'. Its not.^^^ Higher education teach our children that humankind is 50,000 years old or more. When in fact, the fossil record only support five or six thousand years of human existence. There is no fossil record of human existence stretching billions and billions of years.
If you read the entire thread, you'll notice one dude mention the earliest recorded human existence.
P.S. I don't know how old the earth is, scripture does not say.
The earth is actually about 4.5B years old, as is the moon. They were created at roughly the same time as everything else in our solar system. In fact last time i checked, they hadnt ruled out the possibility that the moon actually WAS part of earth during its molten state (look it up).The Earth is approximately 3.6 billion years old....the moon is actually according to NASA 4.5 billion years old.
Where does God live and what is his favourite food do you think?
Actually apparently YOU arent following the thread (as shown by you trying to use my post to further your point).^^^ Apparently you're not following the thread - troll
300 bc? Beginning of recorded history? Um, no.
Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC
Recent discoveries of Maya occupation at Cuello in Belize have been carbon dated to around 2600 BC.
There are more, Incans, some older chinese cultures, etc Granted, these are carbon dates, but their recorded history still dates to much much earlier than 300bc. Most chinese dynasty's are considerably older than that.
The span of recorded history is roughly 5,000 years, with Cuneiform script, the oldest discovered form of coherent writing, from the protoliterate period around the 30th century BC.[3] This is the beginning of history, as opposed to prehistory, according to the definition used by most historians. "ripped from wiki"
He predicted a downfall of a society. Your quote still did not provide the details you claim, such as dates . Try again. Its still just as 'openly interpretable' as nostradamus' predictions and horoscopes.
From the bible: Isaiah 44:
26 who carries out the words of his servants
and fulfills the predictions of his messengers,
who says of Jerusalem, 'It shall be inhabited,'
of the towns of Judah, 'They shall be rebuilt,'
and of their ruins, 'I will restore them,'
27 who says to the watery deep, 'Be dry,
and I will dry up your streams,'
28 who says of Cyrus, 'He is my shepherd
and will accomplish all that I please;
he will say of Jerusalem, "Let it be rebuilt,"
and of the temple, "Let its foundations be laid."'
Man, so detailed.....
Fossils are not the only or the best evidence there is for evolution. Have you ever heard of DNA and the science of genetics?^^^ Higher education teach our children that humankind is 50,000 years old or more. When in fact, the fossil record only support five or six thousand years of human existence. There is no fossil record of human existence stretching billions and billions of years.
If you read the entire thread, you'll notice one dude mention the earliest recorded human existence.
P.S. I don't know how old the earth is, scripture does not say.