Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


New Member
you to fab..what are you up to today?
just got doing the easter egg hunt with my nieces and nephew

Originally Posted by fabfun hey happy easter to all my friends
So happy ta see ya bro!!!

Pm me again when ya got time

happy to be here bro
sure pm on its way


Well-Known Member
just got doing the easter egg hunt with my nieces and nephew

awesome dude, were gonna hid all ours tonight for tomorrow. got some pink camo and green camo eggs lol. mother in law is starting to cook now, wtf? lol and im gonna smoke a ham and some roast tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Lmao ya always start cooking before the holiday ;) hey fab nice to see you! Happy easter to all I don't do holidays less I'm forced into participation


Well-Known Member
lol yeah shes always cooking, but i didnt think we were having anything that she needs to start now lol. christmas she makes breakfast and dinner and she still doesnt start it till that morning lol.
were a bunch of "backwoods corn fed folk" as its been said, so deep frying the turkeys and stuff usually doesnt take long :wink:


Weed Modifier
just got doing the easter egg hunt with my nieces and nephew

Originally Posted by fabfun hey happy easter to all my friends
So happy ta see ya bro!!!

Pm me again when ya got time

happy to be here bro
sure pm on its way
Box full bro...ha


Well-Known Member
smoke a ham bro give us a smoke report when its done
hmmmmm i dooooo have a bad ass cooking video i made a while ago with a pork tenderloin roast spiraled open stuffed with peppers, onions and mushrooms, hot sausage, and wrapped in a pound of bacon smoked over some hickory for about 7 hours...hungry yet?
but its not exactly edited for riu...let me see if i can find some of it that i can use


Well-Known Member
Its all good fab no worrie :hug: and deep frying a turkey tsk tsk I do all my prep work for cooking the day before and the turkey goes in at night and is slow cooked all night long breast down makes it tender ;) I always hate having to cook for the family because usually I'm told I'm gonna help and get stuck with the whole meal my holidays are just the way I like them after the cookin I just hide away in a corner and the nieces and nephews are about the only ones who seek me out :) last time I got with the fam my older nephew got aunty off her lazy ass said I was too fat and old to catch him told him yeah well call your aunt old all ya want ya know what comes with age? He says what? I was like wisdom then sad mom grab that child lmao he was like no fair! oh and he made his aunt jump through the gaps in the deck too little shit!


Well-Known Member
sounds good rene!!! im not a turkey eater myself. whatever that chemical in it that puts you to sleep makes me feel like i drank a 12 pack in 5 minutes i get so tired.
I like the fixings that go with it, especially cheesy veggie medley. thanks giving is a big deal to us because i dont talk to my family much plus we havnt bought vegetables for it in about 5 years lol makes it taste so much better


Well-Known Member
Mmm sounds like fun I hate thanksgiving long story and my bday every few years turkey day falls on my bday... And bte its tripaphane (pretty sure that's not the correct spelling) we have to be careful if the twins so much as have a bit it will kill them so I started making spiral honey ham :)


Active Member
I'll be putting together Easter Baskets and hiding Easter Eggs after dinner. We're going to my Mom's tomorrow, so the only thing I'll be cooking is a big breakfast. Hubby has band practice tonight, so I'll be hiding the eggs on my own.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like yall have wonderful plans for the holiday! I'm so happy for ya all and hope you enjoy yourselves!

Oh I suppose I should mention maria is looking better now that she is in the tote she is stretching out rather nicely :) I'm trying to fill the whole tote with her so I did a bit of topping and tied the bitch down she hasn't been behaving!


New Member
well tell maria she better behave or i will have to come out there and help u restrain her:bigjoint:

Sounds like yall have wonderful plans for the holiday! I'm so happy for ya all and hope you enjoy yourselves!

Oh I suppose I should mention maria is looking better now that she is in the tote she is stretching out rather nicely :) I'm trying to fill the whole tote with her so I did a bit of topping and tied the bitch down she hasn't been behaving!