Save Darfur


Well-Known Member
We as Americans need to help the poor, This is how i see it if we are willing to send 20,000 more troops (which my cause a draft) to Iraq and spend more money on others so that they can live better, first we need to start with are own people and problems.


New Member
We as Americans need to help the poor, This is how i see it if we are willing to send 20,000 more troops (which my cause a draft) to Iraq and spend more money on others so that they can live better, first we need to start with are own people and problems.
Click, and the light comes on!


New Member
I keep saying it ... Government is not the answer. Since LBJ's War on Poverty, we have spent TRILLIONS on anti-poverty programs here in the United States. And yet .... Med sees starving people in the streets! Where did the money go? Where did the FEMA trailers go? Where did the lottery money that was intended to improve the schools in California go? We've had a War on Drugs for the past 70 years now ... and yet, the drug warriors are still puffing up their chests over new "record" busts. Again ... government does a great job in fighting wars, delivering the mail and building interstate highways. That's about it.



New Member
I keep saying it ... Government is not the answer. Since LBJ's War on Poverty, we have spent TRILLIONS on anti-poverty programs here in the United States. And yet .... Med sees starving people in the streets! Where did the money go? Where did the FEMA trailers go? Where did the lottery money that was intended to improve the schools in California go? We've had a War on Drugs for the past 70 years now ... and yet, the drug warriors are still puffing up their chests over new "record" busts. Again ... government does a great job in fighting wars, delivering the mail and building interstate highways. That's about it.

So your solution is to privatize everything and let the Greedy CEOs (whom basically are doing it now) rule the country! Yeah, lets loose the foxes on the chicken coops for real.:hump: :hump: :hump: :hump: :hump: ~LOL~


New Member
So your solution is to privatize everything and let the Greedy CEOs (whom basically are doing it now) rule the country! Yeah, lets loose the foxes on the chicken coops for real.:hump: :hump: :hump: :hump: :hump: ~LOL~
To answer the your question, Med ... I'm going to start a new thread that will follow the hijinks of Hugo Chavez. I think you'll be surprised.



New Member
To answer the your question, Med ... I'm going to start a new thread that will follow the hijinks of Hugo Chavez. I think you'll be surprised.

Hugo Chavez? Never saw him on any US ballots, Isn't he the president of a soveriegn country, Venezuela? Doesn't he deserve to run his country without outside interference just as we run ours? I believe you should leave old Hugo alone and concentrate on making our country better. We are already trying to run a couple of other countries without any success, Iraq and Afganastan. maybe we should "Smarten up"!


New Member
What you aren't aware of, is that Hugo Chaves is trying out your great ideas on how to run the economy through government fiat and punishing the rich. We can use his experiences as a little laboratory for study. So far, the picture in Venezuela isn't shaping up to be very pretty. Food shortages are already happening there.



New Member
What you aren't aware of, is that Hugo Chaves is trying out your great ideas on how to run the economy through government fiat and punishing the rich. We can use his experiences as a little laboratory for study. So far, the picture in Venezuela isn't shaping up to be very pretty. Food shortages are already happening there.

So, I guess you've been there then, or are you relying on perverted news from the right wing. Let History be the judge of Chavez, I don't hear you worrying about all those people in Iraq, what about them, I'd rather be a little hungry than have total caos raining down around me.


New Member
Med ...

Do a Google search and find articles regarding the food shortages as reported by the Left Wing Rags. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.



New Member
Med ...

Do a Google search and find articles regarding the food shortages as reported by the Left Wing Rags. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Is that like, "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king"? I guess that makes you king cause you have one good eye, right!


New Member
Dude ... try staying on topic for a change will ya?

Again, Hugo Chavez is trying all of your great ideas out on the people he rules. Food shortages abound.



New Member
Dude ... try staying on topic for a change will ya?

Again, Hugo Chavez is trying all of your great ideas out on the people he rules. Food shortages abound.

The food shortages are being caused by greedy food wholesalers that won't sell at the prices deemed reasonable according to the national income. There are wharehouses filled with food but the capitalist greed mongers won't release it to the stores. Here's where the rubber meets the road, either move the food to the stores or face some judicial action, the people are hungry. When the system gets rolling, it will knock out all the greedy assholes that rape the society and fuck over the poor and bring a flood of comodities to the people. You forget, Venezuela has Oil, Cuba has nothing but sugar and tourism and the good old USA has strangled their tourism business for 40+ years, plus sanctions. If one of the more reasonable Democrats get elected, I hope to see sanctions lifted against Cuba, Those are just plain wrong!


New Member
You make some good points there Med ... but the next step for Chavez is to take over the food production as well as the distribution. After that, rationing will take place. After rationing, the poor will still be suffering from hunger and shortages and Chaves and the well connected will dine on the finest cavier and champaign ... just like Pajama Boy in N. Korea. How do I know this? Take a look at history over the past century or so.



New Member
You make some good points there Med ... but the next step for Chavez is to take over the food production as well as the distribution. After that, rationing will take place. After rationing, the poor will still be suffering from hunger and shortages and Chaves and the well connected will dine on the finest cavier and champaign ... just like Pajama Boy in N. Korea. How do I know this? Take a look at history over the past century or so.

Yes, History repeats itself, but maybe some left wing republics could have done a whole lot better if the Right wing branches of the USA didn't use all efforts to bring them down, Allende in Chille was a CIA plant that ended that leftist govt., The CIA was instrumental in repelling the sandinistas, the list is long of right wing interference in south and central America. Chavez has the wealth to repeal right wing takeovers and covert action by the right wing factions of the USA. Why do you think he hates the US govt., He has seen their work all over latin America and the world! Why is it that it is ok to have a right wing facist government in S. America, but a leftist one is un-acceptable, here's a clue: Leftist governments listen to the will of the people while right wing gonernments listen to the will of the corporations. As long as corporations rule, the will of the people will never be done!