Purple Veins - Yellowing - Drooping - HQ Pics - ???


These are critical mass, they're approx 5 weeks old (from seed).

They started out in rockwool which was presoaked. They looked well the first 3 weeks until I put them in the Aeroflo.

Then two died, wilting extremely and never really recovering.

The others were droopy like on the pics and started to yellow at EC 1.4 so I thought it was an N def. I raised the EC to 1.7 Using GH 1-1-1.

Ph was always around 5.8, drifing up to 6.1 over the course of a day.

They started to show improvement the next day but the day after that it was worse. I researched and concluded that I should've used Lucas‘ formula.

So I did a res change and had the EC at 1.4 at 0-1-2 (parts GH), I also put in liquid silica. The next day they were a lot better, greener and didn't droop as much – Almost recovered.

Fast forward a day and it's the sames story so I again raise the EC to 1.6 but nothing.

They're getting worse every day, the yellowing is moving itself up.

The Ph is 5.8 and raises to 6.2 after 24 hours. It looks like overwatering/not enough DO :/

That may be because as you can see I'm using pretty big rockwool cubes, they barely fit the netcups and they never dry out.

Also that may explain the sudden improvement they had after the res change as the fresh water was higher in dissolved oxygen.

Because I didn't take the plastic cover of the cubes of until they were pretty big I fear they became saturated with roots.

Yeah and I switched the lighting to 24/0 from 18/6, but nothing really changed. It was just more convenient that way. I won't change back.

Don't know what more to say. Just look at those babies and see how they're suffering.

Purple veins, yellowing with green veins. Yellow leaves curling and dying. New leaves clawing and drooping etc.

Nurse my little darlings please! I can't sleep because of this.



Active Member
What do you have your timer set on with the aeroflo? Your EC seems kinda high for a young plant. Try 1.2-1.3. Do you have an airstone in your res?


Well-Known Member
I like the zoomed in pics lol... some really made it clear you have a nitrogen dificiency. I dont think you stated before what nutes you are using? were you using the GH flora series? Some cal/mag may do them plants some good. Have you done a flush for salt buildup yet? roots could be suffering from nute lockout.


definitely looks like a nitrogen deficiency, your roots look a little rough are you running anything like hygrozyme? if not I would reccomend it asap. Root rot could certainly be the culprit here. What temp is your res kept at?


Well-Known Member
I had a similar problem and I did an epsom salt flush followed by plain pH water flush.. waited a week then did a flush with GH florakleen and shit got green again... it will work trust me.


I changed the res but didn't flush? What's an epsom salt flush lol.

How can it be N def when they're at EC 1.7 with GH flora at 1-1-1??

I don't have an airstone in the res.

More ideas I can try guys? Much appreciated.


I changed the res but didn't flush? What's an epsom salt flush lol.

How can it be N def when they're at EC 1.7 with GH flora at 1-1-1??

I don't have an airstone in the res.

More ideas I can try guys? Much appreciated.
If your suffering from root rot, plants will have a very hard time sucking up the nutrients they need regardless of your EC. can you add a few more pics of your roots?