Cuttings From Soil Grown Plant Rooted In Aero/Hydro?


High All!

I have access to some nice soil grown plants... nice healthy females that are prime
for cuttings. Would rooting and growing the cuttings in aero/hydro be a problem?

I have never tried it and I'm curious as to how the cuttings would react going
from organic nutrients/soil to hydro nutrients/rockwool. Does the transition have any
undesirable effects on the cuttings?

I'm sure this has been asked before, but all I found concerned moving entire
plants from soil to hydro, which is not what I wish to do.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and thank you.


New Member
no it makes no difference bro
do u know how to do clones?
it is called clones btw not cuttings

High All!

I have access to some nice soil grown plants... nice healthy females that are prime
for cuttings. Would rooting and growing the cuttings in aero/hydro be a problem?

I have never tried it and I'm curious as to how the cuttings would react going
from organic nutrients/soil to hydro nutrients/rockwool. Does the transition have any
undesirable effects on the cuttings?

I'm sure this has been asked before, but all I found concerned moving entire
plants from soil to hydro, which is not what I wish to do.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and thank you.


Thanks for the reply.

I have actually done quite a few clones, but I have never taken them from a soil-grown plant
and rooted them in aero or hydro. I was speaking with someone who claimed it could not,
should not be done. It really didn't seem to make much sense, so I cloned them anyway
and sure enough I have healthy roots forming.

It is my understanding that "clones" and "cuttings" are the same thing. It would appear
that "clone" is the popular term currently, but as far as I know both are correct.


Well-Known Member
Yes your was called cuttings or clippings befor it was called cloning.....


Purely a matter of preference the whole clone/cutting/clipping thing. I usually bounce between cuttings and clones,
but I never really gave it much thought until now. The initial question was a bit ridiculous, but I was debating the
point with a friend who swore it wouldn't work. I had never done it, but I saw no reason why it couldn't be done.
I thought seeing it on a forum would help convince him, but the real proof was in the rooting.

In thinking about it... it's fairly odd that I don't recall ever doing that. I have gotten rooted clones from others,
never asked what they were grown in, so there's a good chance I have done it and not known.