Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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why did people believe it was the word of god.

1. someone spoke with passion enough that people believed them.
2. someone important looking told them.
3. someone showed them tricks that that convinced them of the validity of their claims.
4. mixture of the above or none of the above.
why did people believe it was the word of god.

1. someone spoke with passion enough that people believed them.
2. someone important looking told them.
3. someone showed them tricks that that convinced them of the validity of their claims.
4. mixture of the above or none of the above.

NOW we're back on topic! Thank you and agreed.
Maybe we should quote you, because you've been around for thousand of years right - ready to die tomorrow!
just because the bible been around for many years...don't make it correct or facts....case in point...Santa Clause...for the first 8-10 years (give or take a few years depending) that you believe that Santa is real (or at least for many children of the world,not all though)...is told that he is real...and as a little kid you see this as being factual and the truth....then one day the news is broken to you that what you was told and followed for many years was more then a big lie to keep your innocence and childhood alive...and lets not forget that many kids went to bed early on Christmas eve by order of their parents and if they didn't go to bed early Santa would not bring them any gifts...sound familiar?...do this how we tell you...or this is going to happen. then one day as you get older and logic and reason begin to sit in and you go..."wait...this was bullshit..Santa isn't real"...now why does this sense of reason and logic not kick in as it comes to the bible? because one would think hell to be much worse then not getting presents...same principle...just different outcomes.wake up...smell the frankincense...and let go of your adult version of Santa...and you can definitely quote me on that.
Let's stir this pot up a bit....@DJRuiner and others...I agree with you, the bible and religion and the modern interpretation of GOD is a manipulation by the few at the expense of the masses.

Now if God did not account for us then where did we come from??

What about the idea that we come from a race of Humanoids beyond our solar system?
Let's stir this pot up a bit....@DJRuiner and others...I agree with you, the bible and religion and the modern interpretation of GOD is a manipulation by the few at the expense of the masses.

Now if God did not account for us then where did we come from??

What about the idea that we come from a race of Humanoids beyond our solar system?
that the problem...spend so much time focusing on where we came from...your not paying attention to where your going
Let's stir this pot up a bit....@DJRuiner and others...I agree with you, the bible and religion and the modern interpretation of GOD is a manipulation by the few at the expense of the masses.

Now if God did not account for us then where did we come from??

What about the idea that we come from a race of Humanoids beyond our solar system?

I am a Creationist. Blame it on my lack of education, scientific mind, or otherwise. I believe there is a power greater than i(purposely not capitalized). I just can't see the odds working out in our favor without SOME kind of plan. I believe in coincidence. But millions or billions of them? I don't see it. Maybe I'm blind, but.......


I think ALL men need SOMETHING to believe in. Some beliefs are just different than others. The CHURCH has saddled mankind with the feeling that they MUST prosletize(?).
"Let's stir this pot up a bit"

- hang on let me get the butter.

"What about the idea that we come from a race of Humanoids beyond our solar system?"

That's bullshit. "Humanoids" is not used in the bible therefore it didn't happen.
After reading all this cluster and ripping a fattie....I just have one question.....If god is in control....how do we explain suicide? God being lazy and letting us do his work??

Actually....one more....does free will contradict god being all powerful, all knowing, all loving, all controlling? (Ive actually had a pastor tell me it does, but how do we know its not god testing us lol ) ***Here children is a test of contradiction to prove my love??

I tend to believe love is rather clear. You can say it all day long, write it in a book, print and pass along,do every miracle under the sun for me, like jesus did...but until you mean it from the heart, and ONLY then, will you be able to SEE AND FEEL IT. ( perhaps thats why there has never been a jesus citing lol)

Actually....i dont give a fek...ill find out when the rodeo's over m8's
After reading all this cluster and ripping a fattie....I just have one question.....If god is in control....how do we explain suicide? God being lazy and letting us do his work??

Actually....one more....does free will contradict god being all powerful, all knowing, all loving, all controlling? (Ive actually had a pastor tell me it does, but how do we know its not god testing us lol ) ***Here children is a test of contradiction to prove my love??

I tend to believe love is rather clear. You can say it all day long, write it in a book, print and pass along,do every miracle under the sun for me, like jesus did...but until you mean it from the heart, and ONLY then, will you be able to SEE AND FEEL IT. ( perhaps thats why there has never been a jesus citing lol)

Actually....i dont give a fek...ill find out when the rodeo's over m8's

Ahhhh, the "Free Will" paradox!
Without access to Isaiah's actual writings, we can never know exactly what he wrote about Babylon. The only evidence that you have is the bible itself. The bible is correct because the bible is correct.

Among the eleven caves, Cave 1, which was excavated in 1949, and Cave 4, excavated in 1952, proved to be the most productive caves. One of the most significant discoveries was a well-preserved scroll of the entire book of Isaiah.

The famous Copper Scrolls were discovered in Cave 3 in 1952. Unlike most of the scrolls that were written on leather or parchment, these were written on copper . . ."

What are the odds that this copper scroll, the book of Issah, read today as it did then, 2,000 year-ago?
Now, when you take your head out of your ass, you think about that!!
"Let's stir this pot up a bit"

"What about the idea that we come from a race of Humanoids beyond our solar system?"

That's bullshit. "Humanoids" is not used in the bible therefore it didn't happen.

The fossil record does not support it. You just can't make shit up-sorry!
huh? Im from planet earth and i don't know tomorrow from the next...nor do I know if I will remain on earth, or if there will be a tomorrow to have a place to go......Just sayin that ol' country lyric is not always true :)
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