Light leak myth or no myth ?

Another aspect of this question is the strain that is growing. Some genetics are more stable than others and therefore less vulnerable to variables like a small light leak. This is why I recommend growing a stable old strain and sticking with it rather than growing the hot new strain du jour. You'll learn from experience about what your plants need and what they can handle.
oh! this thread about light leaks? you grow cannabis or sum?
light leaks cant be a thing to be paranoid about. trust light is leaking like a girl in chip n dales. no hermie here man
btw, im movin to the states tomorrow. WHO will point me in the direction of california?
lol hell no, it snowed 2 days ago, its bout 45 out atm, with a slight mist falling, wish it warm up, i got to germ seeds...... if thats what u mean bout the sun shining,,,,, the laws here suck compared to cali
lol hell no, it snowed 2 days ago, its bout 45 out atm, with a slight mist falling, wish it warm up, i got to germ seeds...... if thats what u mean bout the sun shining,,,,, the laws here suck compared to cali
SNOW!? man thats the whole reason i wanna move! i can do without legal weed, but i need to escape the snow! its cold in sweden 8 months a year. im not built for that climate. my fro freezes
lmao, they say this is the worst winter here in years, im new to mi, im from florida, where its always nice lol. but ur ass will go to jail fast there if ur cought with a seed lol it spose to warming up here soon, cali had lots of snow this yr, but only in the mountains
lmao, they say this is the worst winter here in years, im new to mi, im from florida, where its always nice lol. but ur ass will go to jail fast there if ur cought with a seed lol it spose to warming up here soon, cali had lots of snow this yr, but only in the mountains
yeah they said the same thing here up north. "the coldest winter in a decade" and yeah it was hella cold! i would know, i work as a lumberjack :P
i be cuttin all kinds of trees haha oaks, pine, weed you name it
Light leaks are a indoor growers 3rd worse nightmare it goes it will cause hermie in certain strain will most likely cause retard leaves to grow out of your collas in a reveg attempt in all non-ruderallis based plants(autoflower) .... and its my experience that small or large light leaks its all bad news. my purple trainwreck hates lightleaks and will hermie at the drop of the hat
and stink meaner your better off trying to get into Canada there way more lieneant when it comes to growing and chances are you probably will find a job faster also its 100 times easier to get a visa into canada
just take the plain to cali, mi, few others all have medical weed
up to a few years ago Canada supllied pretty much all of USA of there pot needs out door used to fetch 1800 a pound now anywhere from 450 to 800 since 911 things went for shit as usa tightened up there borders with cameras sensors the drug trade has litterally stopped funny how people in cali think there the bomb in growing weed now i guess with what 70 percent unemployment 30 percent of people running with out electricity :))

PS even if you grow out doors chances of getting spoted are nill but the chances of your crop burning down is more in the 90 percent region
but hey with your electrical company putting sensors thus telling them if your growing good way to get flagged
i've noticed that the few times i had to flower in a room that had light leaks it took the girls up to a couple of weeks longer to mature and ripen. i've been growing for a few years now and not one hermie. i was knocking on wood as i typed the hermie comment.