Close Call.


Active Member
i just had some dank sh*t and i thought of my days toking in high school. smoking in school was more of a class to me because i would basically map out all the chill spots to spark up near my school. so this one day was a rainy *ss day and it was pretty sh*tty. i was in need of some good smoke cause my day wasnt going to well so i waited untill lunch to spark up. me and my buddy went out to the back of the school where none of the non smokers go. it was right behind the cafe and people would spark up quickly there from time to time. it was basically an emergency spot. so i packed a bowl and we too like 5 hits pff that sh*t and then!!!!!!!! a close by door opens and a teacher comes out!!!! the door was kind of far from the spot, far enough for me to stash everyting. she came up to us and she smelled it right away and i told her we were having some cigs and as she was questioning my buddy i was busy stashing the sh*t. one baggy behind a pillar, one in the trash can, and the bowl on top of some lockers that no one would go for. all the stashing was done on the way to the principals office.

while we were waiting for the principal, our buzz was soaring high and we werent even worried about getting in trouble (thanks to the weed). we just put on our headphones and waited. the principal just gave us a detention for smoking "CIGS" on school property and no phone calls were made home:blsmoke:. but it was fun talking to the principal cause his chair was really comfortable lol.

after that i went for my sh*t and everything was there untouched. so i went to my original spot dispite the rain and i finished that shit lol.:joint:

~good times,high times~


Active Member
Thats a nice punishment at my school if your late you get a detention and they call home. If you get caught smoking on school grounds its 3days out.


Active Member
Thats a nice punishment at my school if your late you get a detention and they call home. If you get caught smoking on school grounds its 3days out.
that sucks all i they gave me was like a 45 minute detention. i dont know if they changed anything though.


Well-Known Member
old enough too.........
get your permit? drive a car? go to a strip club??

haha man im just playin. your lucky tho i got busted with a lighter one time and got 3 days out of day school bathroom was on fire and they tryed to bust me with it but i was 3 hours away the whole week:hump: but form there on they tryed to get me everytime something went bad. bad luck i guess



Active Member
get your permit? drive a car? go to a strip club??

haha man im just playin. your lucky tho i got busted with a lighter one time and got 3 days out of day school bathroom was on fire and they tryed to bust me with it but i was 3 hours away the whole week:hump: but form there on they tryed to get me everytime something went bad. bad luck i guess

oh well man schools a bitch


Well-Known Member
lol, i remember when i was at high school. we used to blaze in the play grounds lol. one time me n a few mates bunnd a spliff under the english block and the class room windows were open, next thing i know one of my mate in the clas is hanging out the window telling me it stinks lol. THEN I WENT INTO THE CLASS STINKING OF WEED LMFAO!!! the funniest thing is i never got no hassle at skl for smoking, its like they just didnt give two flying fucks lol.


Active Member
take it easy smokinjs you dont have to be under 18 to joke around. let the kid tell his story and let people make comments, its a thread. superbad is also a kickass movie tho. peace


Well-Known Member
omg bro i cant even tell you how many times i have gotten high in around or during school
one time... actually many times i have toked in the bathroom (i must be brave as fuck) and people have walked in and soon as the get 3 feet in the stop dead in their tracks and eyes open wide and look at me lol
i have a few teachers who know i smoke none care
one teach knew i came high to class every day and he loved it he would always fuck with me and ask me lots of questions
i love being high in school
and hot girls always buy me food lol


Well-Known Member
smoke'd in school started talking about the matrix and chromosones ^^

rofl... and this fucker in my class said " UHH YOUR STONED " i swear i would of hit the shit out of him, but he was to small. ;)

anyway i just laugh'd and said no we dont smoke like you dude.... ;) i should of said FUCK YOU BITCH SMOKE MY SHIT ! <--- guess i wouldnt of had graduated if i said that...

;) dont smoke at school unless your hardcore :)