Well-Known Member
I always thought it was the CIA who controlled the President.
YEah and if you get outa line they wack ya like the did the two Kennedy Bros. Who wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve.
I always thought it was the CIA who controlled the President.
Yeah Bobby was going to really help America , JFK was toYEah and if you get outa line they wack ya like the did the two Kennedy Bros. Who wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve.
Yeah Bobby was going to really help America , JFK was to
Can we vote for Ron Paul? they don't even talk about him. could everyone write him in and take a picture of their ballot to prove their vote incase of tampering?
Remember John Wheeler? What happened to him, Last I heard they were saying it might have been an accident and he could have done it to himself.right on your aware of the electronic balloting and with a flick of a mouse poof. there goes that election. We are so fucked I dont know how ever we are going to get things right again. Willing to bet big money Ron paul gets wacked to if he starts leading in the polls.
right on your aware of the electronic balloting and with a flick of a mouse poof. there goes that election. We are so fucked I dont know how ever we are going to get things right again. Willing to bet big money Ron paul gets wacked to if he starts leading in the polls.
Not familiar with him, he must have opened his mouth about something what was it?Remember John Wheeler? What happened to him, Last I heard they were saying it might have been an accident and he could have done it to himself. familiar with him, he must have opened his mouth about something what was it?
Sure, go after the little guy so it will appease people and they will think you are doing your job. All the while the Big Banks have perpetrated countless frauds on the US people and they are never held accountable. The online gambling will add 20 million to Govt coffers, while the big banks go home with TRILLIONS!!!Oh I cant bet anymore they just closed all the online cardgames and robbed the players of all their money in their accounts. Accounts 14 different nations robbed. Talk about a one world government we just saw it in action on that one.
Gonna start a new thread on the bird deaths. its strange.
Check out his Employer at the time of his Death..
I heard he knew something about the bird die off's but I have no idea that came from someone else on here's thread. whatever happened real weird and it's strange their was very little follow up on the story.
the 50's and 60's were the greatest period of time in American history. This is the first and last time our government ran on what could be described as pretty much ALL Keynesian. Again, it's not a coincidence that things got much worse after Heyek, Freidman and co got involved. The nation moved to the right during this time - reflecting the emergence of Austrian economics. Surely they've improved understanding of how the economy works but a noninterventionalist, "let the market fix itself" approach to governing is not governing, it's indifference.
And how would Austrian economics solve the problem of a Liquidity Trap? Keynesianism seeks to boost demand via spending and then seeks to grow the economy out of debt. Why resort to Austerity and similar measures that harm the general public - already the worst off in depression and really the key to recovery (demand leads to investment which leads to employment) - when this is a more productive option?
also another point I'd like to make, Keynesianism pursues redistribution by it's very nature - and it seems clear that conservatives have done a very good job of demonizing redistribution measures... but ponder this. The first gilded age, the time before the Great Depression, saw levels of wealth distribution not unlike the levels of today. We are now in the wake of a massive global (U.S. caused) recession. This is not a coincidence. My assertion here is that downward redistribution is not bad as long as we remain on the right side of the laffer curve.
How do you feel about our policy on this matter? do you think it is good that Paul is speaking out against executing citizens without trial?For christs' sake, the dude worked in intelligence and he doesnt know better than to create a record of these threats? Total bullshit fail...
Check out his Employer at the time of his Death..
I heard he knew something about the bird die off's but I have no idea that came from someone else on here's thread. whatever happened real weird and it's strange their was very little follow up on the story.
Would this include Ron Paul? or Max Keiser? Or Jessie Ventura? Or John Wheeler? Or JFK?Why should we protect people that want to harm the country just because they are citizens? I just watched the whole video, and there is not one mention of an American citizen being assassinated...theres no substance to the premise of his speech. Our government isn't going to assassinate you, or anyone you know, unless they are actively trying to bring about physical harm to the United States and there is a mountain of evidence to prove it.
I totally support the policy, btw. I think it's a realistic approach to the threat that we face. From what I have learned about how the CIA operates, it would take a long time, and a lot of evidence for something like an outright assassination of an American citizen to take place..
I was watching the collapse of Argentina on youtube in order to get a handle on this silver price and the similarities are remarkable to what is happening here. Any profits the banks make they keep and the losses get added onto our debt load. Same thing in Argentina.Sure, go after the little guy so it will appease people and they will think you are doing your job. All the while the Big Banks have perpetrated countless frauds on the US people and they are never held accountable. The online gambling will add 20 million to Govt coffers, while the big banks go home with TRILLIONS!!!
Check out his Employer at the time of his Death..
I heard he knew something about the bird die off's but I have no idea that came from someone else on here's thread. whatever happened real weird and it's strange their was very little follow up on the story.
I think the purpose of the edict is that the threat of people being born in the country and actively working with terrorist organizations is real, it is truly a generational tradition. Why should we protect people that want to harm the country just because they are citizens? I just watched the whole video, and there is not one mention of an American citizen being assassinated...theres no substance to the premise of his speech. Our government isn't going to assassinate you, or anyone you know, unless they are actively trying to bring about physical harm to the United States and there is a mountain of evidence to prove it.
I totally support the policy, btw. I think it's a realistic approach to the threat that we face. From what I have learned about how the CIA operates, it would take a long time, and a lot of evidence for something like an outright assassination of an American citizen to take place...And I can assure you, that no matter how deeply you hate/distrust the government, they are never, not ever, going to start killing innocent American citizens out of sheer malice "just because they can..."
Dr. Paul maybe doing what he thinks is right, but I am more and more convinced that his reputation has relegated him to the corners of the intelligence world, where he can maybe catch glimpses of happenings, but not very much, and no one is filling him in because they dont feel like they can trust him. It's sad, but that's how politics works.