"Those Who Oppose Gay Rights Are Vilified"


Well-Known Member
This whole thread proves why we are one of the dumbest countries in the world! Homosexuals deserve the exact same equality that we receive. Most of those against it are closet gays who hate themselves (look at the the gay republicans and religious leaders who get caught all the time)! For those against public displays of affection, they are people who ain't getting any and had messed up families. One day stupid people will wake up and realise that religion and it's beliefs are for small minded people who will never amount to anything.
My family was fine, my wife is fine, my 2 kids are awesome. I still shake my head at the people ahead of me at walmart sucking each others face :D


Well-Known Member
Don't feel sorry for me. I'm fine. I got my life underwraps and where it should be. I keep what I do to myself so that I do not have to deal with assholes, that's my choice. People have the right to be as open and as flamboyant as they want. The whole point of that first comment of mine is don't expect a warm welcome in today's society because people, like you for example, believe that people should be able to be how they want with no consequence. That includes gay people, westboro, white supremacists, nerds, jocks, whore's, prudes everyone. They can all be as outspoken as they want and it's ok because we live in america! As true as that is, everyone that is outspoken is criticized for it and that was my point. People have a right to protest, form support groups and preach about their cause, but when opposition arises, you freak out and say we live in america not Iran! lol, Get out of here man.

EDIT: I will agree with one thing that has bugged me. I don't understand how groups, like westboro for example, can get away with the shit they do and gay marriage isn't legal yet lol. Or pot for that matter :D
sory if i was a little harsh at first, but please bear in mind i had just discovered and read this abomination of a thread and inadvertently lumped you in with the rest of the hatred i've seen.

so prove me wrong. state emphatically that NO ONE, even those miserable fucks of the westboro baptist church, should be subject to bludgeoning via baseball bat for exercising their first amendment rights.

westboro gets away with the shit they do because it is protected by the first amendment.

gays should have equal access to marriage via the 14th amendment.

cannabis will be re-legalized in time, i hope. we are already starting to see prohibition erode, albeit slowly.

and as a final point, i really hope you are not comparing a gay pride parade to what the wbc or white supremacists do.


Well-Known Member
sory if i was a little harsh at first, but please bear in mind i had just discovered and read this abomination of a thread and inadvertently lumped you in with the rest of the hatred i've seen.

so prove me wrong. state emphatically that NO ONE, even those miserable fucks of the westboro baptist church, should be subject to bludgeoning via baseball bat for exercising their first amendment rights.

westboro gets away with the shit they do because it is protected by the first amendment.

gays should have equal access to marriage via the 14th amendment.

cannabis will be re-legalized in time, i hope. we are already starting to see prohibition erode, albeit slowly.

and as a final point, i really hope you are not comparing a gay pride parade to what the wbc or white supremacists do.
I agree with everything you said, and no I wasn't comparing the 2. I was saying that people that use the defense "We live in america, we can and should be able to do what we want" are giving free reign to groups like WBC. The fact is, it sucks that people can't be open about things they believe in or the lifestyle they lead. That's the world we live in though and if you choose to "come out of the closet", then expect to have opposition waiting for you on the other side of the door. Sometimes that opposition includes a baseball bat unfortunately, that doesn't make it right though, but it does happen. Sucks, I know. But, as I stated before in my first post, kinda of jokingly and perhaps a little on the wrong side. Black people had to go through the same thing, most of them kept their head down and did what was expected of them because they didn't want to get a beat down. If everyone that was persecuted and harrassed and what not would have just kept their head down then things wouldn't be the way they are for them. Now before you go off yer rocker because of that comment, again that is not what I believe SHOULD be the way things are, it's just the way things ARE.

EDIT: Also the flip note of all that, just because it should be that way for people, doesn't mean I have to like it :D


Well-Known Member
the trouble,the whole trouble,is that we are actually demonizing sex.
demonizing sexuality,making nakedness and displays of affection wrong.

now,this is something i find phenomally strange and sick to boot.

and only reason i can find for it, is jelousy.

some are getting it and some arent.

whatever the church had to do with it (it actually started with some grumpy old celibate guys, so im guessing,yes jelousy)

ooooh the horror!

they are kissing!


talk about a species determined to shoot itself in the head,lol or crotch as it is.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess we should determine what public displays of affection mean to people. To me, people making out, grabbing ass, fingering each other and things of that sort, should be left to the home. Holding hand while walking, a kiss goodbye (not a make out session goodbye) etc is common practice I would think. That's just my opinion on the subject though.


Well-Known Member
I hope our little fledgling gay boy olylifter comes to terms with his homosexuality soon and has lots of butt sex. He seems like a bottom to me.
I bet ya 50 bucks, if I showed young oly where his prostate was and what its for I could make him sing like Julie Andrews.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The only thing that should be tickling his prostrate is his head. That's where he normally keeps it... up his ass. Which explains his shitty attitude.


Well-Known Member
lmao!!!! Y is queers always think a straight guy is a fag for hating on homos? I LOVE PUSSY, thr aint nothing better! U all are fags cuz u were prob rejected plenty by women,

I can already hear ur queer asses wit u stupid gay blabur. U all should swrvice da public and go to prisons relieving inmates of a much built up urge to fik something.

What good comes from ur kind? U all began spreading HIV AND AIDS cuz u all jus couldnt stop fuking each other.

There is a nice little place setup for ur kind In Hell.


Well-Known Member
lmao!!!! Y is queers always think a straight guy is a fag for hating on homos? I LOVE PUSSY, thr aint nothing better! U all are fags cuz u were prob rejected plenty by women,

I can already hear ur queer asses wit u stupid gay blabur. U all should swrvice da public and go to prisons relieving inmates of a much built up urge to fik something.

What good comes from ur kind? U all began spreading HIV AND AIDS cuz u all jus couldnt stop fuking each other.

There is a nice little place setup for ur kind In Hell.
Hell? Go back to sleep crazy lady....


Well-Known Member
lmao!!!! Y is queers always think a straight guy is a fag for hating on homos? I LOVE PUSSY, thr aint nothing better! U all are fags cuz u were prob rejected plenty by women,

I can already hear ur queer asses wit u stupid gay blabur. U all should swrvice da public and go to prisons relieving inmates of a much built up urge to fik something.

What good comes from ur kind? U all began spreading HIV AND AIDS cuz u all jus couldnt stop fuking each other.

There is a nice little place setup for ur kind In Hell.
if i was one of your english teachers at any point in time, i apologize for failing you.

your butchering of the english language makes me physically nauseous and gives me a strange temptation to gauge out my own eyeballs.

i am sure that whoever tried to mentor you through your failed attempt to obtain a GED is not only ashamed, but absolutely mortified.

very likely, they are also actively contemplating suicide, as the sweet release of death would be easier than trying to rationalize their failed attempts at teaching you the basic fundamentals of the english language.

again, just to be clear, let me reiterate my overwhelming dismay at the failure of the public (or private) school systems in educating you on how to properly utilize your native language.

best regards,



Well-Known Member
Maybe he's perfectly literate in some other language and just started learning english a couple of weeks ago? Or, maybe he was born mentally challenged? Who knows... might not be his fault though.


Well-Known Member
O u guys r such pussies. I write,bettr papers then u will ever do!

Who cares how I write on a stupid online forum filled wit ppl like u. Not me, but u all?

Yes! Making fun of ppl with mental disabilities like u have is not nice. I worked with MR patients asshole punk ass bitch!

Id beat da fuk out of u if u were to say tht in front of me pinche pendejo cara d verga.

Mayb u will undrstand dat.

Oh, but u all r so perferct and rightous, let me guess ur white.

everything u all say is the only right thing, everyone else is nothing to u.

Bunch of pussies who cant mind their own fuking business..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
O u guys r such pussies. I write,bettr papers then u will ever do!

Who cares how I write on a stupid online forum filled wit ppl like u. Not me, but u all?

Yes! Making fun of ppl with mental disabilities like u have is not nice. I worked with MR patients asshole punk ass bitch!

Id beat da fuk out of u if u were to say tht in front of me pinche pendejo cara d verga.

Mayb u will undrstand dat.

Oh, but u all r so perferct and rightous, let me guess ur white.

everything u all say is the only right thing, everyone else is nothing to u.

Bunch of pussies who cant mind their own fuking business..
Your "Spanish" is worse than your English. Now go to bed. It's past your bedtime.


Well-Known Member
O u guys r such pussies. I write,bettr papers then u will ever do!

Who cares how I write on a stupid online forum filled wit ppl like u. Not me, but u all?

Yes! Making fun of ppl with mental disabilities like u have is not nice. I worked with MR patients asshole punk ass bitch!

Id beat da fuk out of u if u were to say tht in front of me pinche pendejo cara d verga.

Mayb u will undrstand dat.

Oh, but u all r so perferct and rightous, let me guess ur white.

everything u all say is the only right thing, everyone else is nothing to u.

Bunch of pussies who cant mind their own fuking business..
perdoname que imite tu manera con ingles. es una lengua dificil a aprender.

soy gringo, pero no soy perfecto.

que tienes tal odio para los homsexuales es ridiculo.

pero no debo preocuparme de ti, porque probablamente estrangularas por un pene y morir.


Well-Known Member
Blah blah blah, keep wasting ur time tools. Sounds like someones having pms problems. U all cant stand up for urselves out in the real world so u all come on here trying to be mr. big shit piking on the new guy.

Its past ur bedtime gramdpa.


I love pussy, I love pussy, I love pussy, I love pussy, I love pussy!

u all make a good couple, U all should go fuk urselves



Well-Known Member
Djdhcndnch su dudjegbhdnejci dj sbcgxieifvn an cjvjdjbjdjdjcnw

does this grammer suffice your need for perfection?

Does grandmaster english professor concur with such a claim?

Maybe you can find it in your amazingly grand heart to teach me the proper rhetoric skills I must attain to be in light with thee?