Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Weed Modifier
why wouldnt he want to talk to u u we are friends and if u havent talked before doesnt matter u r my friend and friends with his friends so shot him a pm bro we got to have his back for moral support wait he has no morals lol well just support him
Well we have not really talked before and do not know how he will take to me? was not trying to be rude or anything...but one in a situation as his, may not see the real intentions behind the kind words...idk wtf im talking about! I need to get high....bongsmilie


New Member
come on lime he knows u with me and rene shoot him a pm

Well we have not really talked before and do not know how he will take to me? was not trying to be rude or anything...but one in a situation as his, may not see the real intentions behind the kind words...idk wtf im talking about! I need to get high....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey guys sorry I was sleeping! Then I woke up and business straight away! Hh is already making me so money :D

Kmk fab is right we are all friends so chime in gogrow is a great guy both you and lime would enjoy talking with him I think he rambles too ;)

Lime do we have to go over this again? Sure gogrow appreciates the support..oh and I sent ya the newest pics...


New Member
well winnie needs u but im sure he is asleep
let me check and wake his ass up oh no a angry pooh bear

Hey guys sorry I was sleeping! Then I woke up and business straight away! Hh is already making me so money :D

Kmk fab is right we are all friends so chime in gogrow is a great guy both you and lime would enjoy talking with him I think he rambles too ;)

Lime do we have to go over this again? Sure gogrow appreciates the support..oh and I sent ya the newest pics...


Well-Known Member
well winnie needs u but im sure he is asleep
let me check and wake his ass up oh no a angry pooh bear
Lol already tried bugging him I'm sure I will hear from him first thing in the morning though... Man the girls look so yummy had to change my avatar again! Its the newest close up of sam :)


New Member
hey where did everyone go i feel lonely sad day or it that sad night wait its morning here sad morning


Well-Known Member
I'm still here went to make some soup and grilled cheese then realized I don't have any milk :( that's a sad day lol


Well-Known Member
I think ya worry too much think after all the posts we all realize we are friends damn is wish I had a computer right now lol


Well-Known Member
Awe thanks lumi I needed that laugh this morning its icky weather 28 out foggy but on the plus side lime should be posting a couple new pics today of the girls in flower :)

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Just wanna say fab, i didnt take any offense & didnt mean to give the immpression i did. I know were all friends.i work very early& was only still up when wwe were talkin cuz i was postn pix on my thread. No hard feelinz here brother! hi rene.