any nutes for seedlings?


Active Member
I don't start feeding until week 3. What are you growing and FF growing schedule says not to feed until week 6? I don't use FF nutes but that seems off to me. I would stick to the schedule they say just to be safe. Good luck, jethead

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The plants start needing weak nutrients when the three-bladed leaves start growing in. This is often when they get transplanted from their inert seed-starter medium into a nutritious substrate. When not using any ferts in the substrate, they can start getting their normal vegging NPK at half strength.


Active Member
I did not look at your pictures. Those are all flowering additives. You need a base grow and a base bloom nute before you use these others. jethead


this all depends on what your growing in, all i grow in is soiless mix no nutes so when you grow from soil that has nutrients in it you have to wait till them nutes go threw the plant its all in what you know.