DWC Scrog Grow Extrema & El Monstre!

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping in Niko. Yea I know the BC is just a sugary additive and sugar is needed by the plant, but the BC is designed to enhance the flavor of the bud. Meaning that it would give ALL bud the same taste & flavor. The El Monstre is supposed to have a great taste & flavor as is, so why take away from the natural flavor of the El Mon. Just my theory. And it causes the rez and roots to look bad.
I am using Advanced Nutrients Overdrive for the last 2 weeks of flower.
Woops, sorry that was my point that BC is unnecessary especially if you like to taste the individual flavors of each strain. What does the overdrive do? the reason i suggested final flush was that it gets rid of all the nutrient build up in the plant that way all you get is the bud flavor. Either way its looking amazing in there can't wait for those buds to explode with growth.


Well-Known Member
and how did you get so many post in such a short Amount of time LOL!
I don't know. I did most last month I believe, cuz since they have began to flower I really don't get on as much as I did. I have a few posts but still not enough reps to build my green bars up.


Well-Known Member
Woops, sorry that was my point that BC is unnecessary especially if you like to taste the individual flavors of each strain. What does the overdrive do? the reason i suggested final flush was that it gets rid of all the nutrient build up in the plant that way all you get is the bud flavor. Either way its looking amazing in there can't wait for those buds to explode with growth.
Not sure exactly what the Overdrive does, but it is to be used during the last two weeks of flowering to pack on extra size on the buds. It is not meant as a flush, so the final flush may not be a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
dude they are looking so good you've become a hell of a grower!
I let the nutes and the plants do the work. I just guide them on their journey.
I think with any nute line you will see good results, but I have done this grow with no major problems other than roots not growing in the beginning because I was babying them. I have not used a single drop of Cal-Mag nor do I own a bottle. I should have one for backup but I have not needed it. So I don't know but from my own experience thus far. My rez cooler, air pump and nute line have been a great choice. My downfall is my airstones. I think they could be better and they will be for next grow.
"Knock on wood"


Well-Known Member
isnt the scrog maaaad low? i never ran a scrog mind you, im just going off what iv seen from other dudes pics. i plan on doing a scrog for my current grow so i can use all the different approaches people use on a scrog.
btw nice and green and plumbing up, lookin good sir!


Well-Known Member
isnt the scrog maaaad low? i never ran a scrog mind you, im just going off what iv seen from other dudes pics. i plan on doing a scrog for my current grow so i can use all the different approaches people use on a scrog.
btw nice and green and plumbing up, lookin good sir!
Not sure what you mean. But the screen is set like 6 inches above the net pots. Alot I see are between 8-12 inches above. They also cut alot of growth off of the bottom and I have not cut hardly any growth from unerneath. So IMO I haven't wasted much bud. I set the screen at 6 because my plants at that stage were struggling to reach the screen. As of now I have 3 colas that are 18 inches tall and a few others at around 12 inches from the screen and appear to be solid buds. If I had my screen at 12 inches above, then my buds would only be 6 inches tall. Not cool!
I have had no problems with the way I have it setup. The ONLY difference I can see with raising your screen higher is the fact that you have more room to reach under the screen, but it doesn't bother me. I can work in tight spaces. I'm very pleased with the way things are looking and coming together.
Everybody does Scrogs differently. My suggestion on doing one would be if you have feminized seeds or clones then train them to the scrog early and thru veg to make it a massive plant, but if you are growing from seed then I'd suggest LST and waiting til they show signs of sex before sticking them under the screen.
To each their own.
I believe that I will get 5-6 oz off of these two plants and if so then I'll be pleased. For my first one I think that will be awesome!!
Just remember with any method of growing that the a longer veg will help increase the yield.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Not sure exactly what the Overdrive does, but it is to be used during the last two weeks of flowering to pack on extra size on the buds. It is not meant as a flush, so the final flush may not be a bad idea.
Do you normally flush your plants before harvest? With this one all you do is mix it with ph'd water and it clears out all the nutes leaving you with yellow leaves at harvest and the smoothest smoke you could ever imagine. Oh im getting peoples opinions, what do you think of keeping the plants in complete darkness the last two days before cutting them down? never done it myself but alota peeps say you get alot more thc that way.

Looks amazing in here as always bro, might just order some El Monstre for my next grow


Well-Known Member
Do you normally flush your plants before harvest? With this one all you do is mix it with ph'd water and it clears out all the nutes leaving you with yellow leaves at harvest and the smoothest smoke you could ever imagine. Oh im getting peoples opinions, what do you think of keeping the plants in complete darkness the last two days before cutting them down? never done it myself but alota peeps say you get alot more thc that way.

Looks amazing in here as always bro, might just order some El Monstre for my next grow
This is actually my first DWC so I'm not sure how I'm gonna flush it. I'll have to read up a little bit more or get some feedback. I'll definitely look into Final Flush.
As far as darkness for the last 48 hours. I think it is very beneficial to do so. It tells the plant that its life is over and they pack on a little size and ripen up.
The El Monstre was actually my Freebie seeds they sent me. I ordered Extrema seeds from Sannies Seed Shop, and received the El Mons also. I was hoping for JackBerry but the El Mon is offspring of the JB.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
This is actually my first DWC so I'm not sure how I'm gonna flush it. I'll have to read up a little bit more or get some feedback. I'll definitely look into Final Flush.
As far as darkness for the last 48 hours. I think it is very beneficial to do so. It tells the plant that its life is over and they pack on a little size and ripen up.
The El Monstre was actually my Freebie seeds they sent me. I ordered Extrema seeds from Sannies Seed Shop, and received the El Mons also. I was hoping for JackBerry but the El Mon is offspring of the JB.
Damn and a fine first grow it tis wish my first hydro grow had looked like yours but then again my first grow ever was hydro (prbly shoulda started with soil. Yeah my free feminized Autoflowering ICE seeds where the same way ended up liking them more than the blueberry i ordered. http://www.grotek.net/en/products/product.aspx?id=30 you don't necessarily have to use anything to flush it with, ph'd water works good too


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you mean. But the screen is set like 6 inches above the net pots. Alot I see are between 8-12 inches above. They also cut alot of growth off of the bottom and I have not cut hardly any growth from unerneath. So IMO I haven't wasted much bud. I set the screen at 6 because my plants at that stage were struggling to reach the screen. As of now I have 3 colas that are 18 inches tall and a few others at around 12 inches from the screen and appear to be solid buds. If I had my screen at 12 inches above, then my buds would only be 6 inches tall. Not cool!
I have had no problems with the way I have it setup. The ONLY difference I can see with raising your screen higher is the fact that you have more room to reach under the screen, but it doesn't bother me. I can work in tight spaces. I'm very pleased with the way things are looking and coming together.
Everybody does Scrogs differently. My suggestion on doing one would be if you have feminized seeds or clones then train them to the scrog early and thru veg to make it a massive plant, but if you are growing from seed then I'd suggest LST and waiting til they show signs of sex before sticking them under the screen.
To each their own.
I believe that I will get 5-6 oz off of these two plants and if so then I'll be pleased. For my first one I think that will be awesome!!
Just remember with any method of growing that the a longer veg will help increase the yield.
what i mean is that alot of, most of your plant is above the screen. other pics iv seen in a scrog they only pull up the heads.
but like you said those dudes probably cut of alot of the lower growth.
so if u set your screen at 6in about net pots you started the scrog in veg correct? so when you flipped over to 12/12 i assume you had ALOT of weaving those first 2weeks. for some reason i assumed the screen was installed during flowering.


Well-Known Member
Yes I installed the screen at around 5-6 weeks into flowering and weaved it thru the screen. If I didn't do this then I don't think I would have as many bud sites as I do. Back to what i said, if you are starting from seed and don't know if it's male or female then wait til they show signs of sex to install the screen, but if you are using a feminized seed or a clone and you know it's a female, then I would rather install the screen during veg and pull it thru and under the screen and you will have a bigger yield per plant. The reason that most let their plants get so tall before they install the screen is so that they grow more bud sites, but with me installing the screen during veg and pulling it under. I believe this served the same purpose. I DO NOT weave under and over the screen, but pull the stem out of one hole and under to the next hole, then pull back out and back under the next.


Well-Known Member
I pulled a clone from one of the ladies 2 weeks ago and put it in a rooter with no rooting gel or anything. It had a couple roots coming out of the side of it so I stuck it in a pot of soil. I will leave this one outside for now and may pull some cuttings from it when I get moved and get another DWC setup going.
I also got a new airstone from Wal-Farts today. Whew! What a difference that made compared to the one that I pulled out of there. It was nasty and wasn't bubbling too much. My suggestion with using these cheap blue ones is to use new stones for flowering. Or at least clean them well.
And another thing to check that is often overlooked is to make sure your glass is cleaned on the inside of your light cover. I went in there a couple weeks ago and noticed it was kinda dusty, so I cleaned it and Wow what a difference it made.
And for anyone who has been reading this, I haven't noticed my light cutting in and out like it did a couple weeks ago. Not sure why it was doing it but I havent noticed it anymore so IDK.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
I pulled a clone from one of the ladies 2 weeks ago and put it in a rooter with no rooting gel or anything. It had a couple roots coming out of the side of it so I stuck it in a pot of soil. I will leave this one outside for now and may pull some cuttings from it when I get moved and get another DWC setup going.
I also got a new airstone from Wal-Farts today. Whew! What a difference that made compared to the one that I pulled out of there. It was nasty and wasn't bubbling too much. My suggestion with using these cheap blue ones is to use new stones for flowering. Or at least clean them well.
And another thing to check that is often overlooked is to make sure your glass is cleaned on the inside of your light cover. I went in there a couple weeks ago and noticed it was kinda dusty, so I cleaned it and Wow what a difference it made.
And for anyone who has been reading this, I haven't noticed my light cutting in and out like it did a couple weeks ago. Not sure why it was doing it but I havent noticed it anymore so IDK.
Dude, check out ebay. theres a company in china that is selling mineral airstones for ponds and such. big diameter and from the pics it has a superfine mist of bubbles. Just ordered one gonna see how it compares to my petco round disk ones.
do you have a digital ballast or magnetic?


Well-Known Member
I ordered a nice pond airstone a while back. 8 inch diameter Active Aqua diffuser stone. Like $40 but when I put it in the rez. It hummed so bad that my cab walls vibrated so I stuck with the cheaper stones. Shoulda ordered the 4 inch instead of the 8 inch. Right now I have 2 6 inch round stones, 1 14 inch and 3 10 inch stones. Not sure which ballast I have.


Well-Known Member
Day 28 of 12/12:
4 weeks down and 4-5 weeks to go til I get to chop em down. Here are a few pics of the ladies and a couple pics of the clone that I soil planted.


Well-Known Member
:lol: Just gave the ladies a good trimming and opened up alot of the lower buds to more light. Also tied two front branches over so they would get maximum light as well. I think that should help out quite a bit.
I didn't do a rez change this week but I will next weekend. 1680 PPM
Can't wait for these ladies to pack on some weight to these buds. :weed:
Hey very nice grow! I found this el monstre thread since I just put 3 el monstre beans in juicy fresh rapid rooters today. I fired up my seedling mat etc and mixed up new RO water with a little hydro-fungicide to fill the bottom of my rooter tray. Good luck with yours keep up the good work!