Im starting another thread "Why the Government could be replaced by Creme Bruleeism"ummm you are so wrong...another thread was started but we guess people was showing the answer so the OP left it..if you like I can bump it up for ya...
I actually did read that thread previously. There is no proof that any political ideal works, and there is doubtful to ever be. A few points:
1) Every type of country succeeds and fails depending on many many reasons. I can think of exceedingly poorly run countries, but I can't think of one that is ran in a great way. Maybe if you use a sliding scale you can point out a 'good' government.
2) No country has kept its government in tact for very long. America is 230 years or so, and we have one of the most stable and long lasting governments in the world. You might say a country has existed for X amount of years, but how long has the Government existed?
3) Define Liberal. I'm not sure you can declare that Modern Liberalism been around long enough to declare success. Our 'conservative' parties in the USA are actual Liberal themselves. More conservative than the far left perhaps, but that is like saying an ice cube is hot because you are comparing it to dry ice.
4) Define success. Is it longevity? Is it wealth? Well being? Happiness? You could argue that the Indians had a very successful conservative life before the white man came to America or that the tribes in S America that have no understanding of the modern world live just as they have for a long long time and are happy with their lives. The Amish society has done well for a long time, as well as other conservative groups.
The only chance we have of a successful world is that our technology becomes near unlimited to the point where everyone can have whatever they want for free. At that point Government at the levels we have will simply cease to be needed. There is a reason we call all the types of government and economics that we have 'theories' or 'schools of thought'. It is because none of them are proven.