First Indoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Haha I'm currently going through that I pretty much killed my girl maria and I just can't keep my hands off her lol I'm glad to hear yours is doing so well!


yeah so i thought i was addicted to pot then i realized im now currently addicted to growing and carpentry LOL


same here... hell i dream about growing...which sucks because i wake up disapointed that im not in a field of flowering mj


definately getting it however it comes with one condition.... this grow has 100% LED he wants to see if LED buds taste different


oh yeah my plan is to use both at the same time best of both worlds..... of course when i get home i drool at the lovely flowering sent.... maybe its time to invest in a diy carbon filter even tho i doubt anyone else could smell it... its better to be careful then sorry


Well-Known Member
oh yeah my plan is to use both at the same time best of both worlds..... of course when i get home i drool at the lovely flowering sent.... maybe its time to invest in a diy carbon filter even tho i doubt anyone else could smell it... its better to be careful then sorry
Yes it is better to be safe :) and great idea to use both can't go wrong with more light


Weed Modifier
same here... hell i dream about growing...which sucks because i wake up disapointed that im not in a field of flowering mj
If someone is giving you a light why not...everything looks good so far with your grow...just read it


thanks lime...... and fab i got this light from hydrogrow... this thing kicks ass for vegging.... very tight internodes.... the babies love it... now its time to see what it does for flowering


i heard it on a commercial had to hunt it down lol