Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Well-Known Member
I hate that when it happens you can never say what you did in the last one:cuss:..
afternoon GRI:sleep:!!!:lol:

Concrats on the clones! WWOOHHOOO...i can't rep yah yet gotta spread some first ;) Awesome job got your shit Growin on:clap: lol

Oh yah my day off too!!! :bigjoint:
Lmao I wasn't even gonna try and redo that ramble! Thanks so much the clones look like shit! But the have some healthy roots! Ok I think I'm a bit high I'm thinking about more crazy things to do with my girls:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Damn guys I missed a bit was driving up some trails to smoke a blunt top the mountain I love my town! And thank you as well wtffuxor.. And nice to see ya fab :)


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows everyones weekend going? i just got home from fishing. low tide and the only thing we caught was a monster buzz

EDIT: oh yeah, did get a warning from the fish and game guys for no fishing license lol


New Member
here u get more then wrning and they can take your poles and tackle and if in a boat that too but they rarely go that far

hey guys, hows everyones weekend going? i just got home from fishing. low tide and the only thing we caught was a monster buzz

EDIT: oh yeah, did get a warning from the fish and game guys for no fishing license lol


Well-Known Member
here u get more then wrning and they can take your poles and tackle and if in a boat that too but they rarely go that far
Yep here ya get caught fishing without a license they do just that and you get recreational fishing in the 2nd degree lol


Well-Known Member
lmao guys, well here the saltwater inshore license is free i just didnt get one, lol...he said if we get caught again its a 55 dollar fine...
on spring break here if your caught drinking and driving your boat. they take everything on it and the truck you towed it on...ive seen guys lose brand new sea-rays with brand new f150's with prolly 10 grand into them...gone


New Member
well then get lic and dont drink while driving boat easy solution

lmao guys, well here the saltwater inshore license is free i just didnt get one, lol...he said if we get caught again its a 55 dollar fine...
on spring break here if your caught drinking and driving your boat. they take everything on it and the truck you towed it on...ive seen guys lose brand new sea-rays with brand new f150's with prolly 10 grand into them...gone


Well-Known Member
Damn I'd be pissed lol oh hey guess what guys been growing an avocado tree seen it in a movie lol its starting to show roots! Yay!! idk a thing about them lime got me info though on it and garlic look like sis and I will be growing various things this year :)