Your 9/11 thread brought me into this forum. The other threads merely amuse me and make me cringe at the bad image they are giving Conspiracy Theorists. CTs already have a tough way to go, we don't need this kind of drivel.
What drivel are you talking about? I know you won't be more specific because you are a troll blowing hot air. The driver's left arm crosses and in that instance jfk is shot in the right forehead. This visual fact completely destroys the delusion that Zapruder is authentic. His left arm is not supposed to be crossing but does in the nix film and that is something which rapes your delusions clean from your soul. The truth is here and there is nothing any toolbag like yourself can do except deny reality and claim authority that you no longer have.

The fake reflections cover the movements of Greer's gun, hand and arm in Zapruder.