Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

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Your 9/11 thread brought me into this forum. The other threads merely amuse me and make me cringe at the bad image they are giving Conspiracy Theorists. CTs already have a tough way to go, we don't need this kind of drivel.

What drivel are you talking about? I know you won't be more specific because you are a troll blowing hot air. The driver's left arm crosses and in that instance jfk is shot in the right forehead. This visual fact completely destroys the delusion that Zapruder is authentic. His left arm is not supposed to be crossing but does in the nix film and that is something which rapes your delusions clean from your soul. The truth is here and there is nothing any toolbag like yourself can do except deny reality and claim authority that you no longer have.

The fake reflections cover the movements of Greer's gun, hand and arm in Zapruder.
Just because people don't believe you, doesn't mean they are a troll.

It has little to do with me but that's what people want. Shoot the messenger. The films prove Greer killed Kennedy, so there's no way out of it unless the government had destroyed at least the nix and muchmore films but they didn't, which left the opportunity to prove it when someone finally looked at Greer's arm from the south side of elm. His left arm crosses in both films confirming beyond doubt the zfilm was altered to hide Greer's arm crossing his shoulder. It was that easy but I didn't get the nix close-up until October, about 15 months after my research started. The case was closed when this footage was discovered.
hey forever can we take a break from jfk for one minute
and just chat really
im sure there is more to 7forevers life then just this
lets just take a break

It has little to do with me but that's what people want. Shoot the messenger. The films prove Greer killed Kennedy, so there's no way out of it unless the government had destroyed at least the nix and muchmore films but they didn't, which left the opportunity to prove it when someone finally looked at Greer's arm from the south side of elm. His left arm crosses in both films confirming beyond doubt the zfilm was altered to hide Greer's arm crossing his shoulder. It was that easy but I didn't get the nix close-up until October, about 15 months after my research started. The case was closed when this footage was discovered.
The great fake reflection footage that started it all in 7-09.

-The fake blob recoils and separates from Roy's head when Greer fires revolver.
-The fake hand coming off wheel begins with 2 dots.
-They both make eye contact after turning back straight.
-Kellerman raises hand signaling that Greer's gonna shoot back.
-The white lane (by driver's door) comes into focus just in time to blend in with the fake grey streak which mirrored Greer's arm crossing that's seen in the nix film.
-The fake grey streak is over his shoulder first and then across when it's needed.
-The fake forehead reflection replacing Greer's hand is the only one that cannot be independently proven fake without the nix film or other evidence.
-Kellerman moves his head forward, backward and forward again in 1 second in an attempt to block the gun's view from the north side of Elm street.
-Watch the driver's door when Greer turns to shoot back. Something appears beneath the white lane which is very likely the curb.
-Watch the top of Greer's head after he shoots jfk. He still had a reflection, so they darkened it to distract from the silly fakery on Roy's head.

Greer's arm crosses in nix, confirming the logical reasons for Zapruder film fakery.

YouTube - Jfk Assassination the limo driver theory Debunked
Greer's left arm crossing in the Nix film and the fake reflection in Zapruder are in perfect sync with the headshot.

FRAMES 312-313

well thank goodness this case is closed, now we can get to the really important business of the day. questions like "pepsi or coke" and "tastes great or less filling" are just waiting for our attention. i doubt that oswald, ruby or greer really give a flying fuck, they're all decades gone and buried. perhaps next you can turn your attention to the truth behind the garfield assassination.
Or more importantly which came first the chicken or the egg

well thank goodness this case is closed, now we can get to the really important business of the day. questions like "pepsi or coke" and "tastes great or less filling" are just waiting for our attention. i doubt that oswald, ruby or greer really give a flying fuck, they're all decades gone and buried. perhaps next you can turn your attention to the truth behind the garfield assassination.
sorry, you're out of luck with that one. there is no evidence of a right front entrance. the video evidence shows an exit somewhere on the right side.
from greer's position, the entrance would have been from the front. the debris flies in the wrong direction for that to be possible.

There is zero evidence of any exit on the right side or front. Show us one frame or autopsy pic with the government's fantasy exit. There is none. The rear skull opens up at the moment of front right impact.

Or more importantly which came first the chicken or the egg
I want to know, FINALLY, why the FUCK the chicken crossed the god damned road!!!!
i'm afraid you folks have it all wrong. it was some strange and unknown critter that crossed the road. there, on the grassy knoll, it laid an egg , which became the chicken that fired that fatal shot. what was that critter and where the hell did the chicken get the gun are the truly important questions.
i'm afraid you folks have it all wrong. it was some strange and unknown critter that crossed the road. there, on the grassy knoll, it laid an egg , which became the chicken that fired that fatal shot. what was that critter and where the hell did the chicken get the gun are the truly important questions.
now that is the only thing i have read here that i believe

i'm afraid you folks have it all wrong. it was some strange and unknown critter that crossed the road. there, on the grassy knoll, it laid an egg , which became the chicken that fired that fatal shot. what was that critter and where the hell did the chicken get the gun are the truly important questions.
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