Post That Sack You Just Got


Well-Known Member
i post nice sacs bro, this chinchilla is gonna eat top shelf only
next time i make some full melt bubble hash ima break him off a peace of that kit kat bar... see what that does for the lil guy... those things are cute has hell.... they just move super fast even though there all fat looking and shit... he litterly bounces off walls.. they also make some funny ass amusing sounds.. least this one does.. he can sqwack like a bird.. when he cries it sounds like your squeezing a squeeky toy or some shit... and he makes some weird squirrel like noises to... these things can jump high has hell to.... nother pic of him


Well-Known Member
my friend had one named joey and we would let it out at parties and he would run through the house so fast. lol it was fun, we were young. and drunk.