yep comes from the Blood Wreck Mom
If your a sativa lover I found JTR to be top notch and easy to grow,I did have one pheno with a nanner or two but I had two other phenos that were a good grow,the hazier pheno is about all sativa with more of a pure haze look to her,,just a thought!!!Hate to kinda thread jack but since i cannot pm sub i figured i would ask here.
WHERE ON EARTH can i find PLUSH BERRY AND QRAZY TRAIN BEANS?!?!? I settled for deep purple, jilly bean, and chernobly. I am a satvia fan personally and they seemed to cathc my eye, plush berry and the qrazy are the 2 i have been searching high and higher for forever........
BTW only TGA stuff i have ever seen in any dispensary down here in so cal is Querkle. Which is bomb!!!! So. Cal has the weirdest most janky grow tastes imo..... totally the opposite of Nor. Cal and the way i feel growing and such should be done....
But back the my ???? where on earth can I find those 2?!
So I have read, but why not keep it going? Was there a reason? What would you recommend that would be closest to it?You cant it was a tribute strain and has been gone for over 4 years now.
Whats your favorite high of these high producers for indoors?I disagree complete
Yields from a TGA garden nearby the caretaker used to be a cash cropper
Indoor Yields
Vortex 16 ounces with a 60 day Veg
Jillybean 20 Ounces with a 60 Day veg
Agent Orange 22 Ounces with a 60 day veg
Here is a 12 pound Agent Orange for ya grown outdoors.
But Yes if your looking for massive leafy Colas with huge stems and commercial resin production then TGA is not the right choice![]()
Because it not being available makes it more special.Yea, I read the story ( and a sad story it is ) a while back. So excuse me to ask this again, why did you stop producing this strain? and if it will not be around anymore what would be the closest to it that you currently have? What happed with the Dannyboy 2? Sorry to be persistent but It has been several years since I have had Dannyboy, and it did leave a lasting impressionI would love to get my hands, and lungs back on this strain, or its closest rival
Sub, I respect you as a person, as a human, as a grower, as a breeder. However, I wish to inform you that there is multiple ways to be a damn pot snob without being arrogant. I was pluggin what my exp with your gear was and you just say " total disagree" ...with everything I said??? Whatever man....YOU AINT THE ONLY HUMAN WITH DANK BRO!!!! Nobody gives a hooy whos the king of cannabis.....quit being arrogant and treat others with basic respect. Everyone of us that have grown tga produced beans has a right to input. You can disagree with them all u want, for you have a right....just like each and every other person on this site, ESPECIALLY those who have purchased your beans and grew them.
Just be thankful to have the opportunity that you capitalized on, for many will never have the chance, and given one, they would'nt talk and treat others the way you do when u speak!
Stay Green--One Love
Idk if you know that guy personally or not, but you don't have to explain yourself sub. Stop apologizing to sensitive little bitches. Jeez, I mean COME ON!!!Dude if you thought I was being rude I am sorry I wasn't I am just short on time. You totally have the right to your opinion and I welcome it I just don't agree simple. Out of the 20 strains TGA has created and kept around at least half are really good producers. We seem to have gained a rep for not having strains that yield because as you stated its not really our motivating force but the TGA rooms I visit easily pull down 1.5-2 elbos per lamp. You have to remember that there are licensed warehouses full of our gear and if it didn't produce they have zero loyalty and would dump our work.
I mainly just wanted to let you know I wasn't at all trying to be shitty or rude I tend to make short reply's due to time constraints and this time I pissed off a friend and I am sorry.
The correct reply should have been I disagree with some of that statement
Ok, I can respect, and appreciate that. Just makes me sad as I just loved it. So what would you recommend that is currently available to would be a close substitute? Sorry to bug you about this as I'm sure you are a very busy person, but you are the man, and what better person to ask than the sourceBecause it not being available makes it more special.
Dannyboy 2 did not really live up to my criteria