Angry Pollock
Well-Known Member
try counting small parts that have a 6 digit number like 121441a and then the next part number would be like 112144a all day long or better yet an overhead crain operator
For the record Dentists have the highest % of hard drug users and suicides of any profession.I think the Dentist would deffinately be hard. However, if you want a hard one I would say a teacher, like mathematics for example? hehe
I`d say being a stoned cop would be quite easily, unless you go around with red eye and stink of weed then you should be okay. Think of how you can bully people, who will expect it? lol
It really depends to be honest, stoners differ a lot. Some people find it harder to talk while stoned than others so can`t be in any talker person position. I lose my words pretty quickly but never fall over or lose coordinationI could get extremely stoned and fix a digital camera or something though, easy peasy lol
lmao.. my friends and i were tripping one time, and we thought that we were being chased by a bunch of skin heads.. i tell you ben johnson himself wasn't catching my white ass.. no way, no how..I run a lot,either around the neighborhood for exercise or to get away from the police which I still find myself doing now lol.I love running its just the cross country part that gets me.
on a side note ever run from the cops on shrooms?Its fun as hell,you take off like a fucking cheetah that just got set on fire.Nobody is catching me if im on shrooms,acid or dust lol I can run for miles on any of them.
Weed I'll be like fuck this im going back to sleep.
is baby killer really a job??A Task Force Member for seeking out and destroying marijuana crops. That is by far, hands down, the worst job a stoner could have. That or a baby killer.
I remember hearing that in some movie i dont know how true it is but i could imagine. Smelling people bad breath all day would just be disguistingFor the record Dentists have the highest % of hard drug users and suicides of any profession.
You could always bring edibles imagine being stoned just floatin around in the craft lol gotta be one of the best experiences in the GalaxyAstronaut is the worst imo, you cant spark in the shuttle the o2 is too pure!
Not to mention that you're breathing pure oxygen which explodes when exposed to flame.a sealed environment that can only scrub a defined chunk of air over a set period of time....and they log every gram that goes up?
kind of hard to sneak a toke in space...ugh