Here She Is!


Active Member
well here is my lady she is about 2 feet tall she was started middle of jan. she is now about 3 weeks flowering i started her off indoors until it got warmer then i moved her outside. seeing how this is my first grow what you think i might yield?



Well-Known Member
hopefully she yields a ton but to me the leaves look a little wispy, did u have a fan on her during veg, how far away were the lights???...maybe dry weight a quarter?...possibly a half...


Active Member
newbie 002.jpgnewbie 005.jpgnewbie 003.jpgnewbie 007.jpgnewbie 009.jpghere is some new and better pics of my lady along with threnewbie 001.jpge clones from her dont know what strain it is which is pretty shitty. cant wait til i can chop her down though seeing how this is my first grow.newbie 006.jpg


Active Member
here is some new and better pics of my lady along with three clones from her dont know what strain it is which is pretty shitty. cant wait til i can chop her down though seeing how this is my first grow. ***


Well-Known Member
Well that lady looks well developed, I have difficulty scaling outdoor grows since I only do indoor- but you've got an ounce in that easy if you keep her happy and well fed for the next weeks.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I had an indoor plant about the same height as yours and at the end she gave me 20g dry weight. Hopefully you can get a little bit more since its now outdoors


Active Member
Well I think I'm going to have to move her indoors seeing how it's around 13/11 out doors right now nd the days are only going get longer with sunrise around 7 nd sunset around 8. :(


Active Member
That why I said I'm going to have to bring it indoors soon cause the days are getting long the days are almost 13/11 but she keeps on shooting out white pistols so I figure I got a little while longer.


Active Member
Ok fellas well I moved her indoors today shes under 2 3500k CFLS I would like to get at least one more bulb in there might take a few days though. Will upload pics later on tonight.