Constant Veg'...


New Member
is it possible to keep a female under a constant veg cycle beneath a flourescent light? I'm asking because with the weed crisis over here i'm fast running out of money. Good job I invested in this little enterprise when I did.

A simple yes or no answer would suffice.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Sure, Man! With at least 18 hours of light per day, she will never flower. I have 2 strains that I've had the mothers for 8 years.

HTH :mrgreen:

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Sure, Man! With at least 18 hours of light per day, she will never flower. I have 2 strains that I've had the mothers for 8 years.

HTH :mrgreen:
Wow! Im impressed. 8 Years is a long time to keep a plant. Do you think it got any weaker in that time?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Actually, it's not the seed plant. It's a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone of .....


Well-Known Member
yeah wouldnt it lose potency? if it were the seed plant the root system would be fucking massive.


Active Member
keep it as a mother and keep cloning it under 18 to 24 hour light cycle. and flower the clones you can run a 2 month cycle.


Active Member
the clones from the mother dont lose potency at harvest time, however the mother will die after a while. as far as the mothers potency who cares hehe

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
HI : )

Well, I was not talking about the mothers potency.. but rather the "theoretical" loss in potency and plant quality that some people claim occurs when a plant is cloned..and then a clone is taken from that clone..and a clone is take from that clone..and a clone is taken from that clone... and so ON




New Member
That's a great help.

Also, I've been reading a fair bit of literature about the loss of potency to the mother plant and it's ongoing clones. There seems to be quite a lot claiming a loss to potency of 50th generation clones etc.

Personally, I don't believe it. When they cloned dolly the sheep, was she any less of a sheep? Plus cloning a sheep is a lot more complicated than cloning a plant. A clone has exactly the same dna as the donor, it's inherant and can not change. If a plants genetic make-up is to produce a certain quality of bud I really can't see how this can be altered.

The plant is kept in a kind of stasis, never allowed to grow up, it ages only in it's youthfulness. Why can't it be the other way round, I mean after 8 years the clones should be super clones.

The plant's dna is all over it, no matter which cuttings you take the dna will match the mother's. Has anyone ever flowered a mother after a couple of years? I'd be interested to know if the smoke seemed any better, or for that matter, any worse. What about the yield from a finally-flowered-mother?

I'm a believer in evolution, and with this I understand that dna can and does change to match the host's environment. All life has this ability, and plants are no exception. But it takes a climactic change to alter the dna used for the host to survive.

If the plant is kept at a constant, I really can't see there being any change. The dna make-up would have to alter for the plant to produce weaker buds.
I'm not saying that I'm right, just saying the way I see it


Uses the Rollitup profile
That's a great help.

I'm not saying that I'm right, just saying the way I see it

And I'd say that you have a fair grasp of what's happening. As I understand it, potency is genetic. What I have observed from growing older plants is that they produce less. So yield is 10-20 percent less than a seed plant. But that can be said for clones in general, because of the lack of tap root.

I've put some mothers outside to flower, and right now they are taking on purples and pinks and looking really good. (When I was cutting on them for 6 months, I always promised them that their time would come:bigjoint:)

The generation thing, if you can call a cloning a generation, may be true for 50 or more, but after 8 years, I'm on only the 16th.

So I've got that going for me! :eyesmoke:


they would slowy change coz even though dna is the same bits fall off are replaced or get added on, so if u had clones of clones after a few years or less the clone would be different from the original, it may be weaker or even srtonger