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NOT TRUE DOC a FARMER is a great job for a stonerAny job is a bad job for a stoner, we'd much rather post up on the futon with chips and DVR.
Ya I never run inless its a must and i never see a must for running lolcross country track start just sounds like it sucks lol.I would hate running track
Dude, I never run ... I don't think i've ran in prolly 6 years. If i need to get there fast, jump in the car!Ya I never run inless its a must and i never see a must for running lol
No no no, Not proud of being lazy! and the garbage is about 300 yards down the drive way lol, still, lazy tho. would prolly be in shape if i walked the garbage out everyday, but then my Trooper would never get started upyou must be proud slo..must be proud...
It doesn't matter the worst job is the one that randoms you thank god I don't have one of ThoughsJust like title states what do you think is the worst job for a Stoner??
that is crazy,I never knew that.I got a friend in truck driving school to so I'll be sure to let him know about this.I would say a truck driver. Not because the job sucks, but because you are always stressed about getting in an accident. You are automatically drug tested.
If a truck driver gets in an accident where a death occurs, even if not at fault, he can be charged with a homicide because his blood tests positive for THC.
Any type of law enforcement. Cop,DEA etc.