KuLong,, Sorry, but I'm going to say something here that is definately not AF related,, or even my place to say so,,,, but going to anyways.
To nobody in particular -
If you enter competitions like this simply to win, brag, cause trouble, you're missing
big time.
These should be fun. Exchanging ideas, suporting others in trying new things, helping, encouraging and possibly making long term internet friends. Sometimes they get siderailed. When something disruptive, hateful, happens,,,, just ignor it. Simply don't give it any time of your life in rebuttle. Anyone with half a brain would prefer a good time vastly over a hard time anyways. If your getting burned in a fire,, you wouldn't pour gasoline on it would you?
I just finished up a comp and I think everyone had a pretty good time, learned some, and I know I've made some good friends doing it. One of the things I stressed was, "Enjoy the journey, because the end is the same. Win, loose, or draw, it's anti-climatic at best."
Ramrodding and staying on top of something like this is a very big chore at times. Help the guy out and try to make it enjoyable for all.
The real prize to these things is not at the end.
KuLong,, just had to get that off my chest. If it really bothers you I'll delete it.

Good luck and try not to let it get you down.
That is all.