*pineapple gumbo, mids - cfl*

Just looked at my plants, nice growth. (pics up later) I looked at the Pineapple Kush and its a FEMALE!!!!! Shes already showing the pistols! And its only day 10! SO HAPPY! I wish my camera had a good zoom so I could show you guys. Sorry. :(


Its gonna be a good day. :hump: :leaf:
Alot of commotion yesterday. I still have my grow going but its kinda messed up at the moment and im getting it back up to speed. Hope to be posting pics again soon. C-ya again soon.
Hey all, glad to be back once again taking pics. This is after dumping them out into bags an tossing em out the door, (I thought I was gonna have to get rid of them due to family issues). But I got them back into pots and and there back up to there normal selves. Hopefully the roots aren't messed up. I put them into a new hiding spot. In a skinny box in between my bed and the wall. It is quite hot due to its size and im working on that at the moment. There all growing again and all is good.

Here are some pics of last night.


Happy Growing. :hump::leaf:
I now I put up a update up earlier, that was of last night, I got lazy and passed out for the night. This is after being thrown in a bag for an entire night in the cold. Cannabis is a tough plant. I added a 65W 6500k Light, hoping to add a emph up their growth. Total Watts = 170.

Here are the pics.


The Completed grow box. ( I do plan to put white paper on the inside but no tape..)


Unknown plant..


Pineapple Kush.



There Looking Mighty Fine.
Enjoy the show. :leaf:


Hey guys. Just some pics of the grow box being completed and some pics of the plants for the night.


Enjoy the mini update. :leaf:
Well, good afternoon everyone. I got bored today and made a nifty light design and its in the grow box now. I also took a picture of the plants.


It was hard getting a picture when it was in there but there's an idea of what it looks like.


There they are.
Enjoy. :leaf:
Hey guys. Made a new grow box for the plants to live in, its around 2x2.6.x2. It makes the light really bright and perfect for there size. Check it out.


Enjoy the update! :leaf:
Howdy everyone. I thought about throwing in a couple more seeds cause I have the space for it. I have some seeds germing right now, at about 17 hours. Hopefully I can throw em in tonight but if not, tomarrow morning they should be ready. I will be putting em in Milk containers an a apple juice container, gotta go ghetto. Im also thinking of transplanting the little ones in there new pots today, but maybe in a couple days, we'll see. Keep an eye out for another update later on or tomarrow. Thanks,

I like this. Definitely ghetto but you're working with what you have and not going overboard with stuff that you obviously know is out of your league for this grow. Small grows are okay!

They look healthy too. Especially interested because you're using miracle grow organic. A soil that is heavily available to me at a cheap price but I've heard such horrible things about MG and MJ (lol).

Will keep an eye on your grow.
I like this. Definitely ghetto but you're working with what you have and not going overboard with stuff that you obviously know is out of your league for this grow. Small grows are okay!

They look healthy too. Especially interested because you're using miracle grow organic. A soil that is heavily available to me at a cheap price but I've heard such horrible things about MG and MJ (lol).

Will keep an eye on your grow.

Hey Hupomone, Thanks for commenting. Yeah its quite a small grow but I did add a couple more plants, starting from seed. I also transplanted my babies. Got a few pics of everything down below.


After they were transplanted and seeds in the new "pots".


The Unknown Plant or "Mids #1".


Mids #1


Pineapple Kush.

Theres the update, Enjoy guys. :leaf:
heyy man looking really great !!!!! im subbed !!!!
ps im doing a CFL grow too... check my sig !
haha great idea to put paper on the walls especially if you have no money !!!!!! great
heyy man looking really great !!!!! im subbed !!!!
ps im doing a CFL grow too... check my sig !
haha great idea to put paper on the walls especially if you have no money !!!!!! great

Hey man, thanks for commenting. An thanks, should be more interesting here in the next week or so after I throw em in flowering.
Hey guys, out of curiosity, how many of you get lucky and find out the sex of your plants in the first couple weeks of veg?
So far on each of my grows, ive been able to see what sex my plants are within the first week or 2 of veg.. is this normal?
Hey all, decided to make use of my old grow stuff and made my new grow area. Its bigger, enough space to fit all six pots nicely. Here are some pictures.


Still ghetto. Will tinker with it over time. But enjoy. :leaf:
Well, after toking for a lil, I came up with some ideas for my new grow area. I wont be working on anything till the A.M. It will be broken into two areas, one veg and one flower. Each area able to hold 3-4 pots. Once im done, you should know, ill upload some pics. And if you guys think im posting too much, my bad, its more for the people who like seeing more activity. But thanks to those who are around, greatly appreciated. Comments are nice, like to see more of them.. would be great. :D


Btw, Id like to see some of your guy's grow boxes. Go Ahead and post pictures. :P
Well, to everyone following, heres that update I was talking about. Took an old computer desk that was just sitting about and converted it into my final grow box till I can get money to build my own box. Pics below.


Enjoy! :leaf: