damn, that thing was pretty cool..
this is basically what i saw the day with the hawk, cept mine went under the water for a second or two...[video]http://youtu.be/MeNjY36o_m8[/video]
Well, long story cut short some years ago my dad saw a documentary claiming Peregrine Falcon`s, while nesting will kill excess chicks in the nest. Meaning if there is 3 chicks in the nest, its better for a human to bring up the 3rd as it would be killed from the battle for food with other chicks.. I didn`t look into this but my dad wanted the bird and he got it anyways (from the rocks in his stone quarry). I had an amazing time with that bird, I used to catch it all sorts of foods, we used to go and fly it and it was tamer than a budgie (I know this isn`t the right way to bring up a bird of prey, but I was about 10 years old at the time...)
This is exactly what he looked like

What a bird this guy is!! Its the fastest travelling animal on this planet with a speed of over 300km while diving onto prey

This bird was tame enough to sit on my shoulder with its talons and nibble my earlobe, I could give it a piece of meat the size of a lentil, stuck to my fingertip and he would gently take it with his beak.
At the end, we let it go into the wild (I was crying at this point) and my dad greatly underestimated the amount of effort to keep such an animal. Unless you devote your life for an animal like this, there is no point in captivating them.
But yeah, I could be one of these guys

Oh and he looks kinda friendly in the picture but he is a cold blooded killer

I brought this guy up from when he was a chick. Had about 50 white fluffy feathers on him and looked like a plucked chicken when he arrived
I do have a bond with him and ever since he was let go, I keep thinking I see him circling above my car or house, changed countries now though