Thinking about dating a Cop.


Well-Known Member
It's not just the gal cop....
You can't very well date someone for any length of time before you get introduced to "her world".
You'll be mingling with her friends, co-workers, hang-outs, etc.
Say she needs a ride or has a party and you're expected to be there.
Plants are into heavy flower,, you've been in there taking care of them,, sudenly remember you're late. Out the door to the party (or whatever) you go.
Moments later,, you enter a (always on duty) cop party smelling like a walking pot busted promotion to the rookies.

I see good things happening (for the cops).
She maybe fine,, but the folks, siblings, friends, co-workers, party spots, maybe not so much??


Well-Known Member
Actually she's a part time cop but what's a few days give or take on the job.

A tight little unit for sure. Bout' 5'6" 110. Short brown hair. Small ta ta's but I got small hands and kind of prefer it that way. Probably and 8 maybe 8.25 on the scale.

Only problem I see is when I lay some pipe. Closet stays locked with a key, inside office thats locked with a seperate key.

She is freaking hot. Could always just lay pipe somewhere besides my turf.

Heard she dumped the last guy cause of "heavy" narcotic use. No additional details on that but he ain't in the slammer.

Fire away. Did I mention she's freaking hot.

Buddy, I don't know you so don't take this personally alright?

But.. you gotta be a real fucking moron/idiot to even consider! dating a fucking cop. I mean think about it.. when it comes down to it, what is she going to do if she ever sees or finds out you smoke cannabis?? She's going to keep her fucking job! and she's going to get you into trouble.

Your (IMO) dumb for even considering this! I mean really, think about it man..

Let me put it to ya this way, there are PLENTY of fish in the sea.. you know what I'm saying? You should know that and more than likely she does know that.. and if it came down to her keeping you or her job around.. (think about it you moron!! use your fucking brain!) she's gonna kick you to the curb and more than likely be the one to book you into jail!!!

It's just too risky.. IMO, your a complete moron if you do this.. actually, your about to fall out of the dumb tree and hit every dumb branch on the way down before hitting the dumb ground.. stop thinking with your penis and start using the brain in your head.

**-people wonder why they get caught..

is ignorance bliss?



Well-Known Member
This reminds me of the new show I watched on A&E last night... called 'RELAPSE' .

This married couple, who had two little kids (no older than 3 years old) apparently were on the brim of losing their kids and going to prison (not sure why, as I caught the show right in the middle of everything). So, (listen to this dumb shit).. So, then.. they get the idea (was a great idea, at first!) to clean out their entire apartment/duplex out and get rid of all/any remaining drugs/paraphernalia.. to throw all their mirrors and everything else (which they were using to snort meth on).

They were doing a good thing, IMO.. at first! But then, these dumb ignorant fucks decide to call a local city cop to come over to do one thing. Can we all guess what they asked the cop to do for them? Yep.. they asked the cop if he would please go through their house and search thoroughly for any remaining paraphernalia and or drugs that may be left behind somewhere.

Apparently their probation officer and the DHS had agreed to do random house checks on their residence.. because of what was going on.. as punishment for whatever they had gotten in trouble for in the first place.

Well, sure enough... the officer does find an old used needle in their bedroom. Well, the cop.. of course.. has a job to do and more than likely he's going to do just that. Which is why I don't understand what the fuck the whole idea behind calling a cop over to search their house.. they were doing a good job themselves. They didn't need any help. Well, anyhow.. the man and women began to beg the officer to please not take that as evidence.. and just let them destroy it and dispose of it properly right? Nope, not going to happen.. the officer has got to do his job.. especially whenever its being fucking filmed and publicized on national television!!!

I mean really.. I just can't process in my head, what the hell these two morons were thinking about when they called the officer to come over to do one final search for them.. makes absolutely no sense at all.. there's no fucking logic behind it! None!!

Anyhow, man.. you'd be better off finding yourself a girl somewhere else.. there's plenty of them out there.. that don't work for the police.

Hope you use good judgement on this..



Well-Known Member
Always appreciate sound advice guru, even its a little critical. The reason I posted it here was for just that.

We're going out Friday. She's a long ways from coming to my house for a visit. I know someone really well before they come around my kid. There are other fish in the sea including this Italian gal who just as hot. LOL

Since her ex BF was a pill popper I'm going to tell her at dinner that I cut loose every once in a while for stress relief and burn a blunt with the boys to get a reaction.

Slow and easy. Thanks for the input!!!!

Buddy, I don't know you so don't take this personally alright?

But.. you gotta be a real fucking moron/idiot to even consider! dating a fucking cop. I mean think about it.. when it comes down to it, what is she going to do if she ever sees or finds out you smoke cannabis?? She's going to keep her fucking job! and she's going to get you into trouble.

Your (IMO) dumb for even considering this! I mean really, think about it man..

Let me put it to ya this way, there are PLENTY of fish in the sea.. you know what I'm saying? You should know that and more than likely she does know that.. and if it came down to her keeping you or her job around.. (think about it you moron!! use your fucking brain!) she's gonna kick you to the curb and more than likely be the one to book you into jail!!!

It's just too risky.. IMO, your a complete moron if you do this.. actually, your about to fall out of the dumb tree and hit every dumb branch on the way down before hitting the dumb ground.. stop thinking with your penis and start using the brain in your head.

**-people wonder why they get caught..

is ignorance bliss?
