If You Could, What Animal Would You Be, and Why?


Well-Known Member
There clipped so they don't fly away I have 5 birds worth about 3 thousand. I would be pissed if my birn flew away. And they do. They couldn't survive in the wild so I'm doin what's right... but I see what you mean. Think I should just put them on string and fly them like kites?lol

If my owner clipped my wings i would poop on them or peck at them every chance i had, that is cruel i wont even declaw my cats


Well-Known Member
There clipped so they don't fly away I have 5 birds worth about 3 thousand. I would be pissed if my birn flew away. And they do. They couldn't survive in the wild so I'm doin what's right... but I see what you mean. Think I should just put them on string and fly them like kites?lol
taking wings away from birds is like giving a lobotomy to a human...


Pickle Queen
I think having a non-declawed cat is much more inhumane. Back when my roommate lived here, his piece of shit cat would scratch me, and I would kick or backhand it in some way to get 5+ feet of insta-cat-travel, typically resulting in it smashing into a table or stand or dresser or wall of some sort. If his cat was declawed it wouldn't have been involuntarily rapidly moved into objects so many times.
Your comments are not disturbing, me laughing at them is


New Member
There clipped so they don't fly away I have 5 birds worth about 3 thousand. I would be pissed if my birn flew away. And they do. They couldn't survive in the wild so I'm doin what's right... but I see what you mean. Think I should just put them on string and fly them like kites?lol
I killed at least 5 birds today. Do you think if I nursed the survivors back to health instead of bagging them that I could sell them for $600 a pop?


bud bootlegger
cat gets chased by dog, tries to run up tree, gets eaten...
my cat and dog are best bud's.. my dog is constantly trying to get some pussy from the pussy.. its one of the funniest things to see.. the worst part is that the cat instigates it like 80% of the time.. she'll all go up and put her head down and put her fat ass right in the dog's face.. the dog being a man, can only resist for so long, lol...


Pickle Queen
There clipped so they don't fly away I have 5 birds worth about 3 thousand. I would be pissed if my birn flew away. And they do. They couldn't survive in the wild so I'm doin what's right... but I see what you mean. Think I should just put them on string and fly them like kites?lol
Ever put a fly on a string, soo amusing


Well-Known Member
That parasite that swims up your dick mixed with a hippo.
You got probably the mosted feared creature in the world and the most dangerous animal mixed in one


Well-Known Member
We don't take there wing away, simply clipped so if they do fly they can only do short strides. some people clip the beak, but I don't pratice that..


Pickle Queen
I was being serious using a humorous anecdote. If people declawed their cats they would be hit less by people that don't like worthless animals.
Maybe if your pant legs did not smell like tuna, they would leave u alone


bud bootlegger
That parasite that swims up your dick mixed with a hippo.
You got probably the mosted feared creature in the world and the most dangerous animal mixed in one
lol.. i thought that we would get some good answers here ...'s, lmao.. i saw s show on that fish.. that thing is lilke almost 2 inches or so long as it is, i'm pretty scrared of it as is, never mind mixing it with a hippo.. that would just be insanity...


Well-Known Member
A Slow Loris so I can live life in slow motion. Or maybe a Gibbon they have sex all day long.