Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


Active Member
im not sure if the autoflower trait is dominant or recessive when it comes to breeding, if dom... it should be ok to assume some
will end up autos but if its recessive, it may be alot harder to single out the autoflower trait.
well put :) Ive heard that when creating a new auto strain they use a non potent /strong /healthy "you know a good canidate :)" ruderalis and cross it with a potent high yielding sativa or indica such as they done with white widow and other strains...speaking of white widow..anyone see or get lucky in getting a chance to get the new AutoWW?anyway ive still alot to learn about breeding and creating new autos yet...but an excellent topic I must say... takes to long for me to even want to attempt at the moment lol difficult part when breeding or creating a New auto is getting the auto gene to stick pretty much and stay stuck... being as the ruderalis is recessive ...there is alot of time is involved in doing so...GOD I wish I could try I just dont got the room lol


Well-Known Member
Spoke to some auto breeders in a Amsterdam bar a few months back and they said they would grow out a few thousand plants before considering it stable enough to introduce to the seed market...kinda puts it into perspective really...

EDIT: I should add that this did not include the thousands of other plants they had bred and flowered out to get to the genetic combo which in turn was flowered out thousands of times.


Active Member
Spoke to some auto breeders in a Amsterdam bar a few months back and they said they would grow out a few thousand plants before considering it stable enough to introduce to the seed market...kinda puts it into perspective really...
YES pretty much..thats well put right there lol..thats the black and white picture of the whole deal lol


Active Member
thats similar to what i have read on the first go at breeding auto's you may not have so many that are auto, but after about 5th-6th generation of breeding you should be getting close to having 100% auto, i was looking into the breeding thing as there are some real nice strains out there, an the new white widow i am waiting for the femms to come in stock they have reg(tude bank) but dont want to waste time an money weeding out males i suppose i could use them for my little breeding thing i love widows , i need to do some more reaserch into it like is there ways you can turn dominant or recessive genes on an off to bring through certain traits,1000's of plants is way outta my league,thats a whole differant kinda gravy i wish i could,this is why i joined this forum to find out valuable info from the guys that hold all the cards


Active Member
so last night i knocked the fuck out of my it while moving other plants and it took a four foot tumble....completely came out of the solo cup....FACCK..(thats what i said) put her back in albiet a little more dirty, so we'll see what happens


Well-Known Member
A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.
Gertrude Jekyll

so last night i knocked the fuck out of my it while moving other plants and it took a four foot tumble....completely came out of the solo cup....FACCK..(thats what i said) put her back in albiet a little more dirty, so we'll see what happens


Well-Known Member
i have not so bad a story, i forgot to water my plants lastnight (lights on at night as it cheeper) and they got completly dry, and a few leaves started wilting. i watered them a load there now (lights just turned on again after dark) i take it they should just perk up again??? (only the big plant wilted, the small one was ok, guess it uses a lot let water lol)


Active Member
so last night i knocked the fuck out of my it while moving other plants and it took a four foot tumble....completely came out of the solo cup....FACCK..(thats what i said) put her back in albiet a little more dirty, so we'll see what happens
lol fack ...dam thats a fall lol worse then when my AK fell into my fan lol there pretty hardy tho MJ plants in general :) hope she kicks back alright


Active Member
i think understand the princibles grow x amount of males an pick the most healthy,vibrant fastest growing an shows unique traits an same with females,but thats about it i know you backcross you then them an then i start to get confussed like when you back cross them say with a skunk do you grow x amount of skunk female/males pick out the healthest an continue the process till you have stable genetics


Well-Known Member
@marcus....I reckon she should be cool bro, I take my plants, roots and all clean out of the hydroton quite often for inspection and simply bed em back in, they never skip a beat mate.


Active Member
thats the thing i dont get about these ladys everyone says there just a weed (a beautiful weed) they grow anywhere things like your fan slicing an dicing lack of water etc they bounce right back,but it seems to be so more complicated than that ph, climate control,all these differant concoctions an magic potions would not just a regular feed produce similar results,its just that i see so many people saying low yields plants are glowing red orange an blue mine has grown legs an has had a couple of piercing an has a tattoo she's outta control i might need too put her down, is it because people overthink these things or that its multi million dollar industry which people like big mike(off the top of my head) can capitalise on certain products,i have never tried regular household plant food so dont know


Well-Known Member
thats the thing i dont get about these ladys everyone says there just a weed (a beautiful weed) they grow anywhere things like your fan slicing an dicing lack of water etc they bounce right back,but it seems to be so more complicated than that ph, climate control,all these differant concoctions an magic potions would not just a regular feed produce similar results,its just that i see so many people saying low yields plants are glowing red orange an blue mine has grown legs an has had a couple of piercing an has a tattoo she's outta control i might need too put her down, is it because people overthink these things or that its multi million dollar industry which people like big mike(off the top of my head) can capitalise on certain products,i have never tried regular household plant food so dont know
I reckon it's a bit of all of that, I used to grow Swazi outdoors in SA and get a kilo dry off each plant with just tap water, and I mean top colas like my forearm and I'm a stocky Welsh/Afrikaans bloke.

Yet indoors is different, you are managing a micro climate and for your plants to really be healthy enough to handle the odd battering they need optimum conditions which frankly is hard for every indoor grower to maintain 100% of the time, including the pros. Everyone has issues.

But I do also think that if you take the babysitter approach then mentally they will be more fragile, it's then that all that phaffing will f**k em up, over reacting to a leaf droop then over fertilising or feeding....paranoia was always the downside to weed wasn't it?!

Growing....what a bastard it is haha!


Well-Known Member
yeh man.. back home I could throw a couple beans out in the back yard and end up with plants 7-8 foot with just a spray of the hose. indoors is a fairly new game to me..

I reckon it's a bit of all of that, I used to grow Swazi outdoors in SA and get a kilo dry off each plant with just tap water, and I mean top colas like my forearm and I'm a stocky Welsh/Afrikaans bloke.

Yet indoors is different, you are managing a micro climate and for your plants to really be healthy enough to handle the odd battering they need optimum conditions which frankly is hard for every indoor grower to maintain 100% of the time, including the pros. Everyone has issues.

But I do also think that if you take the babysitter approach then mentally they will be more fragile, it's then that all that phaffing will f**k em up, over reacting to a leaf droop then over fertilising or feeding....paranoia was always the downside to weed wasn't it?!

Growing....what a bastard it is haha!


well put :) Ive heard that when creating a new auto strain they use a non potent /strong /healthy "you know a good canidate :)" ruderalis and cross it with a potent high yielding sativa or indica such as they done with white widow and other strains...speaking of white widow..anyone see or get lucky in getting a chance to get the new AutoWW?anyway ive still alot to learn about breeding and creating new autos yet...but an excellent topic I must say... takes to long for me to even want to attempt at the moment lol difficult part when breeding or creating a New auto is getting the auto gene to stick pretty much and stay stuck... being as the ruderalis is recessive ...there is alot of time is involved in doing so...GOD I wish I could try I just dont got the room lol
I grow now an auto WW..


Well-Known Member
My auto kush at 14 days. my light feel on it the other day. doesnt look like to much damage just some burning
