Abortion or Shutdown

How do you feel about the pending Government Shut Down?

  • I Agree with Anti Abortion efforts.

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • I Disagree with Anti Abortion efforts.

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • I Agree with Shutting Down the Government.

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • I Disagree with Shutting Down the Government.

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Do nothing God is in charge

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
This is a quick poll so you can vent your feelings on the current situation over the Government Shut down.

You can select more than one option.
it may seem odd to vote for both the fourth and last options, but there is some method to my particular madness. what you characterize as anti-abortion efforts are, in fact, only an effort to end the taxpayer funding of the "abortion on demand" industry. while i don't support the idea of allowing our unresponsive representatives to continue with business as usual while the public services we all pay for are put on hold, it is painfully obvious that the looming shutdown is nothing more than the result of petty partisan bickering and the grandstanding of elements determined to press forward their agenda of entitlements we can ill afford.
I can stand correcting if I am in error but, as I understand it there are 4 anti-abortion bills with the big one of closing down planned parenthood as a rider on the budget.

Planned parenthood is a vital service of not only family planning but also serves as the primary health care for millions of woman.

There is the one that takes away the tax deduction if a woman even pays cash and doesn't use her health insurance so in effect it is a Sex tax on woman.
I can stand correcting if I am in error but, as I understand it there are 4 anti-abortion bills with the big one of closing down planned parenthood as a rider on the budget.

Planned parenthood is a vital service of not only family planning but also serves as the primary health care for millions of woman.

There is the one that takes away the tax deduction if a woman even pays cash and doesn't use her health insurance so in effect it is a Sex tax on woman.

Programs we can ill afford to do without..

Do you have a uterus UndertheIce?
It's stupid to even include "god" in any political argument. It is an emotional, irrational way to decide and it is one of the many things that is wrong with American politics of today. It's ironic the people pulling for smaller government control would shut down the government because they aren't allowed to crawl into a woman's uterus and make her decisions for her. I hope there is a shutdown, and I hope Obama fires all the congressmen and congresswomen who accept pay while shut down, because government sector jobs are NOT allowed to unionize and strike. Just ask the FAA. Our government is run by sad, sad children and I would love to see them all lose their jobs to finally begin to understand what we are going through down here in REAL America!!
I agree Abortion should be legal in what ever state chooses to leagalize it.
I am fiscaly conservative, but moraly pretty liberal. (Drugs gay marrige an more lol.)

I like the gov shut down.
Gridlock is better than the status quoe:clap:
I agree Abortion should be legal in what ever state chooses to leagalize it.
I am fiscaly conservative, but moraly pretty liberal. (Drugs gay marrige an more lol.)

I like the gov shut down.
Gridlock is better than the status quoe:clap:

Thanks for posting.

Abortion is legal in the USA everywhere. The Teapublicans are making it a economic fine for having one by removing your tax break on health insurance and also removing reproductive health care for many a poor woman and girl.
Thanks for posting.

Abortion is legal in the USA everywhere. The Teapublicans are making it a economic fine for having one by removing your tax break on health insurance and also removing reproductive health care for many a poor woman and girl.

I'm sorry, I'm a little behind the curve here, a tax break on health insurance??? I'm not trying to be a smartass, I have just never heard of that, please expound.
... are you referring to "Additional Options" "Post A Poll" "Create a poll with this number of options (Maximum 10):" ... then there's a box for a check mark and o box with a 4 in it?
The title of this thread is wrong. It should be Cancer Screening/Women's health services or Shutdown. Planned Parenthood has very little to do with actual abortions. But everyone believes the spin rather than the truth.

p.s. it's the law that not a single penny funded to Planned Parenthood goes towards abortions
I'm sorry, I'm a little behind the curve here, a tax break on health insurance??? I'm not trying to be a smartass, I have just never heard of that, please expound.
... are you referring to "Additional Options" "Post A Poll" "Create a poll with this number of options (Maximum 10):" ... then there's a box for a check mark and o box with a 4 in it?

If I understand things there are 4 bills the Teapublicans are pushing.
One is the defunding of family planning and one is a law that you cannot have a tax deduction for your health insurance on your taxes if you pay for an abortion even if you don't use your health insurance and pay cash for the abortion.

In short it is a Sex tax. The female sex.

The Teapublicans are trying to criminalize abortion with the tax code.
They also redefined Rape with the tax code so that if you are raped and get pregnant if that rape was a "good" rape or a rape where you cannot prove it was forceful then you cannot get the tax credit for your health insurance costs on your taxes for an abortion even though it was rape.
Bad rape need to be proven as being forced rape.. Under the "TAX CODE"
This is why the Democrats are saying the Teapublicans are throwing the woman under the bus.