Then how do you suggest he stabilize's the soil Ph? Its not a matter of the "lime" being the primary fix thats secondary .Primary is rinsing the soil with low ph water , get it "low" the lime will raise it back to 6.8 and hold it there . If you have a a different fix go ahead and post it but don't tell this guy not to take good advice .Enlighten us with your fix .Stop telling this guy to top dress with lime! lol
lol yeah im usealy a bit buzzed if im goinon the computer. but im texting it with soil meter add the drops n u tell by what color comesout what the ph is. its almopst 8 and one of my plants is going into lockout. seeing that im groeing in soil. what wold u recoment to keep my soil ph at?Hydrated anything is not a good idea to use, just way too hot.
Use the dolomite lime. It's normally used to raise pH, but its pH is 7.0 and will lower the pH of soils above that.
Unless you are west of the Rockies and growing in the ground, I would avoid the sulfur.
Your mix is usually acidic and I really question whatever you are using to measure the pH. "I" think you are trying to correct a wrong pH reading.
But, whatever it is, the dolomite lime will put you where you want to be, pHwise.
KoQ, LOL, I figured you were buzzed when you wrote that, since I know that you know what you're talking about.
Those meters with the prongs are worse than useless because they are so inaccurate. The drops are almost as yeah im usealy a bit buzzed if im goinon the computer. but im texting it with soil meter add the drops n u tell by what color comesout what the ph is. its almopst 8 and one of my plants is going into lockout. seeing that im groeing in soil. what wold u recoment to keep my soil ph at?
??????????????????Dare I ask for a pic? lol What is the tds of your feed water?Your nutes should be acidic so try feeding more, a lot more.
Muffy, I really want to top dress with Lime, can you talk me out of it?Stop telling this guy to top dress with lime! lol