Scarhole's Perpetual Grow


Well-Known Member
Never tried Cronic, first time growing it.
But Shes NL x Skunk witch sounds great.
And Serious seeds is a hell of a company, simon is a biologest an knows his shit.
Ill have a smoke report soon , late April - May ish?

I had to grow her here as test strain cause shes suposed to be B to A- type of weed.(kind of the low end of the superkind?)
With a A+ yield.
Ill kind of compare em to her when Im rating potency I think...

Shes finaly stating to pack on some weight, She Impessed me to day alot when I changed her out of the cab.
The pruning to get light lower in the canopy seems to have helped :)

Changed up the Cabs Configuration so that they are under the MH most of the time to try an boost Tric production.


Well-Known Member
My Daschund loves the chemo?
When ever hes out in the shed he tries to smell an eat her.
He pretty much ingnores the rest.
Im not real sure what this means.

Pic of the cronic buds ....

The outdoor chemo an Power skunk look great, I been giving them Nutes like I usualy do.
Ill start em weak an give it every other watering, then I work it up to full strength fertz as they grow.
And Lost of Foliarfeeding..
Untill they get emerad green or see some burning on the leafs tips. Then I back off the nutes a bit.

I also topped the Red cherry Berry this week.



Well-Known Member
nice lookin plants scar. i havent tried the air prune buckets yet. but thinkin ill get some air pots. everybody likes them. i dont have enough pots to double up on em. the people that use them love em. g/l with the chronic. anxious to see what see looks like at the chop. ive got a blueberry that is impressin me the buds are gettin large and fat


Well-Known Member
Hobbes reported 25percent larger yield jusr by switching to em. This is my first go with em, I hope he right.
Air pots are pretty cheep, but im a diy

I shouldnt have topped the cronic according to serious seeds web site.
They say it will not yield as much as a untopped plant. Hope its not a big deal.

I figgured up my costs the other day.
About 7cents a gal for nutrients.
109$ For my cab an lights.
129$ for seeds for the year.


Well-Known Member
Hobbes reported 25percent larger yield jusr by switching to em. This is my first go with em, I hope he right.
Air pots are pretty cheep, but im a diy

I shouldnt have topped the cronic according to serious seeds web site.
They say it will not yield as much as a untopped plant. Hope its not a big deal.

I figgured up my costs the other day.
About 7cents a gal for nutrients.
109$ For my cab an lights.
129$ for seeds for the year.
hey scar, im more or less a diy guy to and 5 gal buckets are cheaper than air pots also.

i think i paid 2 bucks a bucket from menards so maybe ill pick up some more. r those 1 inch holes and what did u line ur pots with? i was keepin up on hobbes thread about the pots. has he gone mia again? i hope he gets people growing the worm wood plants. my cousin got malaria from a 3rd world country when he was working there. as much money as i have spent on this itll be a while before im winning. lol catch ya later gotta go out and get to work in grow room.

thats weird about not topping chronic. the blueberry that i have it says unless u top you wont get the full and possible yeild from her weird how the marijuana plant can be so diff from each other. im learning and growng. maybe that makes me winning also unlike charlie in detroit lmao

Biological Graffity

Active Member
Nice grow mr.Scarhole, gotta tell you, I'm gonna look into those air pots also...and that spiral training method is exactly how I trained my haze ma...Hey, have you cracked UFO's bubblegummer yet?


Well-Known Member
I havent I havent germed bubblegummer.
(I actualy bought that one, an next month they were givin it away lol.)
If you want ill grow her next?

I need to start another plant this week I think.


Well-Known Member
Cab pic, for scale
Biggest to smallest
Sharksbreath, chemo indoor, 3 chemo outdoor, power skunk outdoor, an redcherry berry.

I was hopping to havest the big ladies on the 120th day, will see....

Cronic 105 days, 8 weeks 12/12, 5-6th week flowering (3-4 more weeks ish she started flwering slow.....)

Sharksbreath 105 days, 8th week 12/12, 6th week flower (2 more weeks ish shes right on schedule)

Cronic clones 4th week 12/12 (very lilttle flowers lol, slow...)

Chemo x Iranaian Auto 7 weeks old, 1 week 12/12

Chemo x Iranaian- outdoor- 5 weeks old

Power skunk -outdoor - 5 weeks

Red Cherry Berry 3 weeks

Heres the clones,4 Cronics are doing good, Chemo isnt.
I dont think that shell make it....:shock:

Bought this sprayer this week.
IT OWNES. Im loving it.
Definatly worth the 6$ just in cool.
I recomend one.:clap:


Well-Known Member
I got to admit I'm liking with his chemo Iranians so far,
I don't hold the lagger against drgt, it happens. lol

I asked drgt about the CxI
Heres a copy of the email..

If you get a sec I got a Few Questions on the Chemo an Iranians...

1 Is the Iranain auto used to breed her, or just Iranian?
Iranian Auto but it is not auto just early
2 How many weeks of flower? (Rough guess is ok)
55-65 days
3 Do you breed with the Iranian/Iran auto to get the potency an yield up, an flower time down when making your Iranian cosses.
4 Is she good outdoors? Any Idea when shed finish?
absolutely fantastic outdoors. 1-3 pounds per mid-August to mid-September


Well-Known Member
I keep seeing the same posts up for plant help.
Almost all of them got the same problem.....

I got Rust spots and the ends of the leaves are curling an the plant is turning yellow. I've done alot of research, but there are so many issues with these symptoms. Lotta people say cal/mag deficiency. Also PH is what alot of people say too

They are prolly both right. The Ph is prolly off an locked out the Mag.

And they could fix it Very easily an safley with Hyrated Dolomatic Lime.

But One table spoon per gallon of water will give your plants the Cal/mag they need an Get the PH back to 7 incase its out of wack. (or mix it in the soil befor planting)

Its much easier/better than Epsom salts an correcting the PH with fish drops.

But your only suposed to use it once a year acroding the instructions?

All you soil growers Keep your eyes open for this stuff at the garden store an try it.
Im loving it...


Well-Known Member
I have had several people ask "How do you get the pics full sized"?

When you are writing or editing a thread.

Put the mouse over the pic you just uploaded.
A lil pencil icon will appear over the Pics thumbnail click the pencil.

Boom thats it.:-o

Then you can rename pic, choose centering, an choose size (thumbnail, med or large)
now click save.

Walla Full sized Pics.

Biological Graffity

Active Member
...yeah there is always plenty of Ph probs on yellowing question hasnt been answered yet....leaves yellowing starting with the veins ....usually in flower, its not on any of the charts...what you think scar?not a Ph problem for sure, and honestly doubt its a cal mag defficiency either, more like an excess of some sort....that chemo Iranian sounds awesome for outdoors...gonna start looking 'round for sum clones...


Well-Known Member
...yeah there is always plenty of Ph probs on yellowing question hasnt been answered yet....leaves yellowing starting with the veins ....usually in flower, its not on any of the charts...what you think scar?not a Ph problem for sure, and honestly doubt its a cal mag defficiency either, more like an excess of some sort....that chemo Iranian sounds awesome for outdoors...gonna start looking 'round for sum clones...
bio, try using some seabird guano. its not that expensive and if u r short on somethin in veg it will pick up ur plants. i m very impressed with it


Well-Known Member
...yeah there is always plenty of Ph probs on yellowing question hasnt been answered yet....leaves yellowing starting with the veins ....usually in flower, its not on any of the charts...what you think scar?not a Ph problem for sure, and honestly doubt its a cal mag defficiency either, more like an excess of some sort....that chemo Iranian sounds awesome for outdoors...gonna start looking 'round for sum clones...

My Plants tops always do that when in early flower an the streatch is greatist.
The stems are pretty yellow, tell about half way threw flower.
Then it just goes away as the bud come on, never seemed to hurt anything.

Is your problem in early flower?



Well-Known Member
Pic day...

Cab shot for scale.

SharksBreath 112 days, 9th week 12/12 ,
This week Im going to chop her. Im very sick of Mexi brick lol.
Plus I need to get the next lady in a bucket an trained for flowering.

Side view, Silver dollar diamater budz.
She smells like babyshit x fruity, interesting.

Cronic. 112 days, 9 weeks 12/12, shes still got a few weeks more.

Had to delay germing the next indoor seed cause shes not going to be done as soon as I hoped.

Side view.

Cronic clones, 5th week 12/12.
They are flowering even slower than there moma?


Chemo Iranain 2nd week 12/12
And shes out flowering the cronic clones that have 3 weeks flowering on her.
Very little streatch since I started her flowering.

And the 3 chemo for the outdoors. 5 weeks veg.


Power skunk 5 weeks,
Red Cherry Berry 4 weeks.


Cronic Clones, an Chemo Iranian clone (I failed her, dam)
About a month old.


Should be putting the first Chemo Iranain in the field this week.
Spring has Sprung.
Happy 420 yall. In case I forget to wish you all one later.


Well-Known Member
looks good scar, i love the sharksbreath hope it works as good as the pics look. the chronic looks like a shrubary.