NYD Clone 1st Grow


Active Member
day 33 of flower
sorry i couldn't get any better close up pics. damn hps makes the camera all blurry



Active Member
So my spotting problem seems to be progressing. Im having a feeling that its ph. Gotta get a ph meter


Active Member
Definitely a good idea. How much CalMag did you give them per gallon?
I've been following the gen organics feeding schedule which is 10ml of biothrive and 5ml calmag and it also calls for biobud but I use a tablespoon of big bloom instead. They also recommend feeding with every watering but I feed two times on and one time off with plain water. The buds are looking awesome and are are really swelling up.


Well-Known Member
Can you get some new pics up? You might consider feeding every time and see if it helps. Or at the very least give calmag with the straight water feeding @ 5 ml per gallon. The calmag is providing a bit of N which your plants are probably looking for to maintain healthy foliage. How far into flower are you? I like to give a little extra N at at weeks 3 and 4 and then taper it back off. This seems to help keep the foliage a bit healthier for a couple more weeks after the half way point. My plants also SUCK mag down after the 3rd week which I was reminded of again when I got some yellowing and spotting in my flower box last week.


Active Member
sorry about the pics theyre scattered and low quality. all the pictures of the leaves are the plant that is more developed. they both seem to be growing well just waiting on the ph meter.


Well-Known Member
Buds looking great man! Stay on the Calmag every feeding full strength per bottle instructions. Those are actually pretty good pics and they were def needing the mag. Stay on it every watering. I think they will like the little N boost too from it. You're going to be VERY pleased if you keep up the good work, these are promising and impressive for your first grow in a space this size.


Active Member
Buds looking great man! Stay on the Calmag every feeding full strength per bottle instructions. Those are actually pretty good pics and they were def needing the mag. Stay on it every watering. I think they will like the little N boost too from it. You're going to be VERY pleased if you keep up the good work, these are promising and impressive for your first grow in a space this size.
Thanks schwag! The calmag seems to help but the brand im using actually doesn't have any n in it. Its 0-0-0. Im really anxious to see how my ph is. From what I've been reading, I have all the characteristics of low ph according to jorge cervantes


Well-Known Member
Gotcha..... You might consider a 25% N feeding at this point just to give them some foliage love, mix it with your flowering nutes. I'm curious what the PH is too, PH is probably the most important part of your solution and media. Jorge knows his shit doesn't he?! Either way, they're looking good, let us know how the PH test works out. Mix your solution as you normally would and then meter it to see what you've been feeding them. Ideally you want 6.0-6.5. If it is off then tweak it to this range. PH up and down will get you there but there are also other methods to adjust with various organic home solutions.

Water with a fair amount of runoff, so that about 30% of the water that went in came out. Use this to gauge your medium PH. It could be low if there is a salt buildup, it could be high out of your tap.

You're going to be dialed right the fuck in after this grow and ready to rock out again.


Active Member
Gotcha..... You might consider a 25% N feeding at this point just to give them some foliage love, mix it with your flowering nutes. I'm curious what the PH is too, PH is probably the most important part of your solution and media. Jorge knows his shit doesn't he?! Either way, they're looking good, let us know how the PH test works out. Mix your solution as you normally would and then meter it to see what you've been feeding them. Ideally you want 6.0-6.5. If it is off then tweak it to this range. PH up and down will get you there but there are also other methods to adjust with various organic home solutions.

Water with a fair amount of runoff, so that about 30% of the water that went in came out. Use this to gauge your medium PH. It could be low if there is a salt buildup, it could be high out of your tap.

You're going to be dialed right the fuck in after this grow and ready to rock out again.
That's what ill do. They.could definitely use n because they're yellowing fast. Jorge's the man, he's helped me a lot with this grow.
Im going to feed tomorrow and check ph. Ill let ya know how it is. Probably gonna use earth juice ph adjusted

I know for sure my next grow will be a short flowering strain!


Well-Known Member
That's what ill do. They.could definitely use n because they're yellowing fast. Jorge's the man, he's helped me a lot with this grow.
Im going to feed tomorrow and check ph. Ill let ya know how it is. Probably gonna use earth juice ph adjusted

I know for sure my next grow will be a short flowering strain!
No doubt, I like them under 9 weeks but the shitty part is I prefer sativas lol.


Active Member
Ph of the solution was 5.5 raised it to 6.5 with a little baking soda. Run off was around 5.2


Well-Known Member
Shit we need to get that PH up real bad. Get some garden lime and ammend the top of the soil with a half cup in each. Then continue to water with 6.3-6.5 PH water with plenty of runoff. This is pretty important we get your PH stabilized quickly.


Active Member
Shit we need to get that PH up real bad. Get some garden lime and ammend the top of the soil with a half cup in each. Then continue to water with 6.3-6.5 PH water with plenty of runoff. This is pretty important we get your PH stabilized quickly.
Ya I was kinda worried but I've got earth juice ph on the way. Would the lime affect my good bacteria at all since I'm using organics?


Well-Known Member
I would assume the lime will not effect the bacteria although I'm not certain. Its commonly used in gardening to control PH and provide magnesium and calcium. I use lime with every grow at one point or another. I usually put it in at transplant and then again after a few weeks when the organics are depleted.

Plenty of runoff will be the key whether you use the lime or not, flushing lots of ph balanced solution through them. Lime has always worked for me to stabilize or buffer the media. I didn't think your tap would be that low that sucks.


Active Member
I would assume the lime will not effect the bacteria although I'm not certain. Its commonly used in gardening to control PH and provide magnesium and calcium. I use lime with every grow at one point or another. I usually put it in at transplant and then again after a few weeks when the organics are depleted.

Plenty of runoff will be the key whether you use the lime or not, flushing lots of ph balanced solution through them. Lime has always worked for me to stabilize or buffer the media. I didn't think your tap would be that low that sucks.
Sounds good, im gonna grab some lime. Next feeding I'll use double the water and keep the runoff flowing too. Actually I'm using reverse osmosis water which has a ph of 6.9-7, it just seems that my nutes drop the ph a good bit unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
That could be the case, sounds like you might have some salts built up in the soil from overfeeding. I've been there :( A flush is not the best thing to be doing right now but it is necessary. Keep it running off until your runoff falls within your desired range, it will take A LOT of water. The general rule is 3x the capacity of your container. I had PH 5.5 on my last grow from buildups and my PH meter falling out of calibration... Had to flush midway through flowering. It definitely effected my yield but it still turned out to be top notch smoke, just not as much of it. When you get a chance grab some PH calibration solution and check your meter every week or two.

I got lazy and that's mostly where my PH issues came from. Good luck, let us know how it works out.