Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hemlock my friend, how goes the battle! Hey they were talking about you on 60 Minutes the other night lol. More like how banks have lost the paperwork of millions of the mortgages they bought ( and then paying people 10 bucks an hour to sign their names on the new forged documents. Banks are the criminals man, not us!!) Good to hear from you, hope things are going good with you and your lady. Been back together for a few weeks, still working out ok? Later man thanks for the good vibes!

dayyyyamn, thats awesome hc. My balls are all clean and now im gonna smak em round a field for fun lol. Aiming to beat last weeeks awesome score of 98 wish me luck >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: packing half a dozen deep psychos for insperation ready rolled:joint:
Haha good luck westy bro. but more importantly have fun. Oh lol you just said that hehe. Gotta go talk to you later on : !)

Holy mother of jeebus thats a grip of dank right there hc. let the good times roll!

gotta bump em both!

My L X CC smell like my Ice, only a bit stronger!! I'll take pics this week they are starting week 5 now. Wish I could stay and shoot the shit, but I'm back to work so gots to roll lol.

Thanks for taking a peek ; !) Couldn't finish that bong of kief last night, just did this morning though hehe, later.


Well-Known Member
damn mannn. very nice harvest!! cant wait to get sum TGA strains man. yours look awesome!! quick question tho. wat do u think you'll get for a yield stickin 24 clones under the 400 watter? just curious.. i wanna do a sog as well. but didnt know you could fit that many plants under a 400 watt hps. lol.


Well-Known Member
you can get as many plants under a 400 as you like, the more plants you grow the more pruning you would have to do.

you could do 9 without pruning and only veg for 10 days of you could do 99 with no veg and cut off evrey side branch, you are the master of your grow room.


Well-Known Member
Ebay pics 016.jpg
I start blooming this Mother I been using for the last couple years. Jacks Widow
Look at that trunk.

Thanks for asking HC, Yeah me and me gal doing good. Lets hope the bank forgets me..LOL..I know they wont but its a nice dream.
So I learned this going theu this forclosure stuff. This will make ya sick.
OK you have a 350,000 mrtg. It goes thru foreclosure, it sells on the court house steps for 30,000, the bank that holds the mrtg buys it back, heres why, if it sells for 30,000, the bank can apply to the fed for the difference between the sales price and the mrtg amount. After getting those funds, they can then fix whatever is wrong, SELL it again and keep those funds as well, no they don't have to pay back a DIME to the fed, that would be your TARP bailout. IMO they should not encourage the banks to buy the homes back on the court house step with the TARP money, if the fed did not offer the TARP money the bank would let the houses go back into the market place and get off their books. It would allow the market place to works as it should.

Took some pics last night gonna do a minnie update in me J

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man thats some BS hemlock, i hate banks with all my heart. blood suckin leaches the lot of them. people forget they are out to make money not be your friend. change of subject before my piss starts boiling...

your mother there looks like its been about a damn long time, genetically that things clone offspring must be about 3-4 years old minimum. i bet that trunk has friggin rings in it !


Well-Known Member
that's just awesome Hem, I know you showed it before a while back but the trunk is just funky bru!



Well-Known Member
you can get as many plants under a 400 as you like, the more plants you grow the more pruning you would have to do.

you could do 9 without pruning and only veg for 10 days of you could do 99 with no veg and cut off evrey side branch, you are the master of your grow room.
yeaa i guess that does make sense.. just thought it would get too crowded in there and all the plants would be fighting for light. might have to give that a try. well not 99 plants. lol. but maybe like 15/20. thanks man

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
i am sooooooooooooooooo jealous!
Wait till you see the view to the south! I may have saved the best for last. I'll try and snap a shot tomorrow. Nothing much to the north....Canada and cornfields

I hope you make it back home. Isn't that where the heart is? Thinking good thoughts for you...."Once there a way...to get back home. Once there was a way, to get back hoooome, sleep pretty darling do not cry. And I will sing... a lullaby"