Well-Known Member
I like the blue string one best!!
I agree with bassman, but in a smaller pic the red one works just as well

I like the blue string one best!!
Absolutely, hands down her pants, most definitely the blue one. Me, it's gotta be the whole package.
View attachment 1537257
There's just too many run of the mill beauties. I'd rather look at this.
I would take that amount bru!! for sure.....
It's all quite funny, but I am a bit gutted to be honest. Was really looking forward to some Silver Haze taste. It's got the smell, has even packed on some crystals, it's just so god dam fluffy it's unreal...And that's 16 weeks I have flowered it for.
And there it is...
Ok im in on the ass theme nowI had a difficult dime choosing between these two-
sweeeeeet buds D, that dpq x cheese looks evilDOG Cheese:
DPQ x Cheese:
Engineers Dream:
And not to forget the DOG!
oh and going back to my robbery. I know i should let it ride but man, i hate loseing face. i know they will be laughing at me for ever. makes me mad you know. it was my lifeline, my sole income at the moment and they fucked it up for me, now ill have to take out a loan for a few grand to pay my bills.
I am waiting on info about his address. I wont be letting get away with it. i text him afterwards "Enjoy it for now, things always come good". It took place outside my building, he doesnt know which one but doesnt take a mastermind to figure out ill be in the area.
I want payback but not untill i move in the next few months. He wont find me then, well he could but hes a bit of a scumbag and not smart enough to track me down.
any ideas? I dont even care about the money now, i just want him to know that he shouldnt have done it. you follow? people cant be allowed to get away with this crap.
and if i do get him back, im no caveman, it will be done smoothly. guys have any ideas?
F1 is just the first generation of the cross. Each pheno has a representation of each genotype. F2's you then see more of the recessive traits appearing and more mixes, F3's and F4's are moving down the path towards creating a more uniformed strain as subsequent crosses are selected to bring out particular traits. Further crosses in F5/F6 are also generally backcrossed with the original parents if uniformity with one or the other parents is desired...(breeding lines)
EDIT: And of course you can make seeds, you just need a boy and a girl. But then if you want to be able to continue with the similar traits you need to ensure that the boy and girl have the characteristics to do that. good luck whatever you decide.
I am sure we will think up something. It's hard for me as it's not my livelihood, but if it was I am afraid to say I am not sure I would want to write what I would do to that guy. I don't know your situation but this seems awefully close to home. For start off, how did this guy get in touch with you and know what you were up to. If he was introduced to you then you go to that source of introduction and make their life a misery, once you're done with that you then go and make his life a misery (once you have moved). I think until you move you need to bide your time lad. When you say "they", is this another group of people you know in your area?
they being him and his scumbag friend with him.
He was a guy i met in my last job, seemed genuine enough. he brought up the fact that he was growing some years ago and his house burnt down and thats why hes working etc... so we go to know each other and he asked if i could get any, and then i arranged for him to buy 10 ounce off me.
then day of the deal all goes well, i think he has done it before it was too smooth. so i need to make sure they learn their lesson. thing is he has kids, which makes me wonder what hes willing to do in retaliation if i get him back. crazy how people will risk their life and their kids safety all for 10 ounces.
shame their isnt mutual respect for both buyers and growers. were all in the same boat after all.
I almost forgot to share my bong fix with the 6...
I had a long crack at the bottom of a piece I really liked so I sat it down til I came up with something to repair it with...
Then i stumbled on this 3M Rubberized texture spray ( truck bed spray liner). I just tapped off at my normal water fill line and applied to bottom...
Think I may start doing my new bongs this way.
View attachment 1537524
they being him and his scumbag friend with him.
He was a guy i met in my last job, seemed genuine enough. he brought up the fact that he was growing some years ago and his house burnt down and thats why hes working etc... so we go to know each other and he asked if i could get any, and then i arranged for him to buy 10 ounce off me.
then day of the deal all goes well, i think he has done it before it was too smooth. so i need to make sure they learn their lesson. thing is he has kids, which makes me wonder what hes willing to do in retaliation if i get him back. crazy how people will risk their life and their kids safety all for 10 ounces.
shame their isnt mutual respect for both buyers and growers. were all in the same boat after all.
Is that on the inside or outside of the bong? Genius BTW. So you now have a rubber based bong? kinky.
Outside... Its pretty cool, I dont have to take my time to set it down anymore. Id say its an eighth of an inch thick with a few coats on