Budget Show Down. Tea Party Demands Government Shut Down


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Budget show down. Tea Party demands Government shut down

It looks like the anti-government Tea party will not accept a 33 billion dollar budget cut and want to get rid of all government.

So why did we elect these people? Oh yeah we need jobs.. Sorry folks no jobs but if they manage to shut down the Government it will cost the Tax payer 40 billion.
So 33 billion cuts are not good and shutting down the Government and costing Tax payers an additional 40 billion.
Crazy logic.
and your really surprised??

I seen this coming a long time ago. :|

It's going to get worse before it gets any better.. and worse its going to be.. and soon. :\

It's the idea that paying for a shut down will cause more debt that is truly backwards.
How can we believe in the Tea Party when they clearly are out for themselves.
It's the idea that paying for a shut down will cause more debt that is truly backwards.
How can we believe in the Tea Party when they clearly are out for themselves.
How does a government shutdown benefit them? I'm not a fan of the Tea Party either, but I think saying they are completely anti-government is a bit of hyperbole. They are playing politics, plain and simple. The government was shutdown under Clinton in the mid 90's. It was a political tug of war back then and it's a political tug of war now. Sounds scary though doesn't it? Government Shutdown!!!!! Woooooooo!:fire:

It's the idea that paying for a shut down will cause more debt that is truly backwards.
How can we believe in the Tea Party when they clearly are out for themselves.

It’s not an antigovernment movement. It’s a return to limited government movement. You say all they think about is themselves but your wrong. They are worried about the future of the country not what they can get right now. Dems are the one who want to chain the American people.

Why are democrats for total control over a person’s life? Why do dems think they have a right to everything someone else owns? Why do dems think they know what’s best for me? Why do dems claim to be tolerant when in reality if you don’t think like they do all they do is attack? Why do dems claim to be for the people when all they want is government control? Whens the last time a dem actually talked about personal freedom in any other light than taking it away? Why don’t dems want parents to have a choice where they send their child to school?

The dems pathetic attempt to paint the roght as extemest won’t work this time. Here’s what Senator Obama had to say about debt in 2006:

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
What a fucking liar.
It’s not an antigovernment movement. It’s a return to limited government movement. You say all they think about is themselves but your wrong. They are worried about the future of the country not what they can get right now. Dems are the one who want to chain the American people.

Why are democrats for total control over a person’s life? Why do dems think they have a right to everything someone else owns? Why do dems think they know what’s best for me? Why do dems claim to be tolerant when in reality if you don’t think like they do all they do is attack? Why do dems claim to be for the people when all they want is government control? Whens the last time a dem actually talked about personal freedom in any other light than taking it away? Why don’t dems want parents to have a choice where they send their child to school?

The dems pathetic attempt to paint the roght as extemest won’t work this time. Here’s what Senator Obama had to say about debt in 2006:

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
What a fucking liar.
I would say something but you would just show me a picture of your dog shitting ..so I will just leave you with :dunce:
The OP's premise is completely ridiculous.

If the Dems are so concerned why didn't they pass a budget when they had super majorities in both houses of Congress AND the presidency? I've seen and heard of (2) budget proposals from the Repubs and as of this minute, THE DEMS HAVE PUT FORTH ABSOLUTELY NO BUDGET PROPOSALS...that's right, ZERO and somehow this is the Republicans fault?

Don't bother with the "they know it can't pass, so there's no point in putting out a budget proposal" crap, it's their job to do EXACTLY that.

Forget it. Absolute BUNK.

Make no mistake, if a shutdown happens, it is because the Dems have decided it's in their best interest. I mean, really? They can't find 66-100 billion to cut when they are about to run a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit? Horse Hockey.
I would say something but you would just show me a picture of your dog shitting ..so I will just leave you with :dunce:

Right you can’t fight the man’s own words. It just shows how big of an ass clown Obama is doesn’t it. Hell I’m going to post it again because truer words have never been spoken.
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
It’s not an antigovernment movement. It’s a return to limited government movement. You say all they think about is themselves but your wrong. They are worried about the future of the country not what they can get right now. Dems are the one who want to chain the American people.

Why are democrats for total control over a person’s life? Why do dems think they have a right to everything someone else owns? Why do dems think they know what’s best for me? Why do dems claim to be tolerant when in reality if you don’t think like they do all they do is attack? Why do dems claim to be for the people when all they want is government control? Whens the last time a dem actually talked about personal freedom in any other light than taking it away? Why don’t dems want parents to have a choice where they send their child to school?

The dems pathetic attempt to paint the roght as extemest won’t work this time. Here’s what Senator Obama had to say about debt in 2006:

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
What a fucking liar.
Bud, I'm gonna tell you why dems/progressives think they are entitled to what another person owns. It's the Utopian fantasy! How wonderful would the world be if everyone had enough and nobody had to go without? Nobody would ever have "too much" and your every need is taken care of for you. Sounds absolutely sublime, doesn't it? Of course, history has taught us that these types of societies don't work and have a horrible track record with human rights. Thomas More's intent for writing the book, Libellus vere aureus, nec minus salutaris quam festivus, de optimo rei publicae statu deque nova insula Utopia (better known as just, Utopia) are unclear, but it's widely believed to be satire. His use of names like Utopia, meaning Noplace, suggests that. Now, this book was written in the early 16th century and Utopia was a very simplistic model for communal life. There are those of us who will gladly shed our blood to see to it that no such form of government or anything like it ever comes to be in this country. Caps on wealth and shit, are part of this Utopian fantasy, which a lot of us view as a nightmare and will never stand for. I hope the progressives are ready to die for what they believe in because I know I am prepared and so are many, many others.:fire:
OMG, what are we to do? It's the end of the world... instead of talking about budget cuts, they should be increasing the budget. There's still areas of the economy that are not under the control of central planning, I mean the federal government. There might be someone, somewhere that's breaking a federal law and with the government shut down, who is going to arrest him? WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN? How are we supposed to carry on our daily lives with no government?
Really, I mean there are a lot of people who still have some money in the pockets, dig deep Americans, your country needs your support. Tell the IRS to keep that refund, in fact just send them your whole paycheck, they need it worse than you do. The more you give, the more secure we will be. More government jobs that pay more than I am worth and that have benefits for life. More security from terrorists who only want to tear this country apart by draining our wealth and resources. How can Obama save us from Bin Laden if he's in the unemployment line? There's still a couple months left in the public school year, those kid's education will be ruined, they'll never learn anything, ever again. They'll never get a good job so that they can buy all that stuff they need like, flat screen TVs, a house with a swimming pool, a Lexus, a Rolex... you know, the stuff that makes us feel good about being up to our ass in debt.
What about the federal prisons? All the dangerous potheads escaping and on the loose. Spreading their own brand of mayhem and addiction.
How are we going to continue to liberate and democratize Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya?
No thank you. We need to do everything possible to prevent a shut down of government. The debt is just a smoke screen, Michael Moore says we have lots of money, we just need to get those rich bastards to pay off the debt then everything will be alright.
This is America, the land of the free, the home of the banker, we've been around forever, the oldest country in the universe. Yeah there have been other empires that have come and gone but damn it, we're different. We're Americans, this isn't supposed to happen HERE!
Those damn Tea Party Republicans, who the hell do they think they are. Telling Congress and the White House to live within their means and the Constitution, I mean, come on, are you serious? What are you, high?
Hey, you know the Constitution was written on hemp paper, we ought to... you know, twist it up, man, that would be a gnarly joint...
I would say something but you would just show me a picture of your dog shitting ..so I will just leave you with :dunce:
Literally translated as " Oh shit, Obama really did say that didnt he? wow what a hypocrite! guess I will just stand down then, but not before I give you a :Dunce just to act like a small child"
cuts this, cuts that..!!! blah blah blah.. bottom line is that there is A LOT of government "departments" that need to be shut down. Shut the fuckers down!!!! it's proven that the US education level has dropped since the government handles that.. EDUCATION!!!! that is pretty scary when the US ranks 27th out of like 33 countries in overall education. these kids are our future for fucks sake!!! The government will never be shut down, but it needs to be limited severely, and we will all pay the price when it happens, but it has to or we are fucked..
" CBO is saying it "can't conceive of anyway" that the economy can continue past 2037 given its current trajectory."

the CBo said Social Security would be in the black all the way to 2050, its in the red now. CBO said that at this time medicare would cost the US a grand total of 10% of what it is actually costing us. My point being that the CBO predictions are usually trumped up uneducated guesses while wearing rose tinted glasses. They are usually so optimistic , but are also usually WAY WAY wrong. things are usually much worse than CBO accounts for. So if they say 2037, I say 2017, maybe sooner.
the CBo said Social Security would be in the black all the way to 2050, its in the red now. CBO said that at this time medicare would cost the US a grand total of 10% of what it is actually costing us. My point being that the CBO predictions are usually trumped up uneducated guesses while wearing rose tinted glasses. They are usually so optimistic , but are also usually WAY WAY wrong. things are usually much worse than CBO accounts for. So if they say 2037, I say 2017, maybe sooner.
and you do what for a living...????
Literally translated as " Oh shit, Obama really did say that didnt he? wow what a hypocrite! guess I will just stand down then, but not before I give you a :Dunce just to act like a small child"

It’s cool he’s just dodging the statement by taking shots at me for fucking with his buddy. He’s just following the liberal play book, attack the messenger.
you're arguing against someone who can't win the argument good job bullies.

show me once where any democrat/liberal/obama has said our deficit isn't a problem. in fact, everyone on the left agrees that our debt is a problem. The only difference is that the left believes that dealing with that problem too early will hurt economic growth. The right is playing to the American tendency to want things to happen NOW even though it is not in their best interests. It is in our best interests to complete a full recovery PRIOR to dealing with our debt. It is not an issue that needs to be dealth with in the short term, not the long term. That is the difference in thinking.

Where is the evidence that our debt problem can wait a few years (this kind of problem needs to be solved over the course of a couple decades anyway)? after WW2 the U.S. had debt at 110% of GDP. Belgium, a significantly weaker country than the U.S. has debt levels at ~87% of GDP. The U.S. currently has debt at ~45% of GDP. We'll be fine in the short term. Deficit/debt reduction needs to come in the long term.