The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
what was the problem with your electrics in the end?
Dunno m8. When I went up this morning, the lights in the house were not working, everything else was though. I just switched the trip switch back on and everything seems fine. Ive got them maxibright ballasts(the plastic ones) Im going to aquire a few bricks to put them on. There is a building site just round the corner from work. Mmmmmm..... lol


Well-Known Member
Dunno m8. When I went up this morning, the lights in the house were not working, everything else was though. I just switched the trip switch back on and everything seems fine. Ive got them maxibright ballasts(the plastic ones) Im going to aquire a few bricks to put them on. There is a building site just round the corner from work. Mmmmmm..... lol
Que dons picture, lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha youve all seen the horror. 1 in a 1000 chance the bloke at the factory told me :shock: im a gambline man but when the odds are your house could burn down....

him telling me the plastic would never burst into flames wasnt really a consolation. im damn sure molten plastic on carpet would.


Well-Known Member
haha youve all seen the horror. 1 in a 1000 chance the bloke at the factory told me :shock: im a gambline man but when the odds are your house could burn down....

him telling me the plastic would never burst into flames wasnt really a consolation. im damn sure molten plastic on carpet would.
Thats made me feel a little better Don. Im gonae put them on a few bricks anyway


Well-Known Member
hope every ones wells today, im around 12 days totally clean(apart from doc prescribed valium) and i feel fuckin fantastic.....cant wait till i get my next grow started, just waitin in sum cash to get seeds and new bulbs and shit, wee bit nervous coz my bust was so recent but as i'm not doin ANYTHING at my own house it should be ok....if i actually manae tae stay sober thru this one im gonna give a real full on journal a go, hoping to do 2 separate grows, one dwc with 4 plants under a 600hps and the other 8 or 9 in soil under a 600 and 400 hps....need to get a new extractor though......fuckin only thing i really wish the filth hadn't taken as ive spares of everything else.


Well-Known Member
It is indeed. Just put a £5 bet on my girlfriends birthday and it came up. THATS why you get into a relationship!


Well-Known Member
ive been looking for a new 600 hps recently and all the ones ive found on ebay have been the ones with the black plastic cases, not having one in my house after i saw dels pic im telling you, jus have to keep on looking lol.

Went and got some soil today(same westland one ontheball posted pics of) so going to get a load of seeds potted up today, and also bought some herbs, spring onions n shit for my windowsills an a sunflower for baby lol


Well-Known Member
ive been looking for a new 600 hps recently and all the ones ive found on ebay have been the ones with the black plastic cases, not having one in my house after i saw dels pic im telling you, jus have to keep on looking lol.

Went and got some soil today(same westland one ontheball posted pics of) so going to get a load of seeds potted up today, and also bought some herbs, spring onions n shit for my windowsills an a sunflower for baby lol
My casing isny black, its blue. Prob will be black when it goes on fire though. lol